


Sad aww dogs Memes doggo crying - 9148195584
Via guywithausername_

At Least It's Not a Participation Trophy?

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Via onlytwitterpics
wtf smoking Video crying - 83939585

Thanksgiving is Over, But This Guy is Definitely Making His Emotional Appreciation For Weed Known Now

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Crying Bernie Supporters at the DNC Didn't Escape the Night Without the Internet Noticing

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Oh Anthony, Why, Why?!

Via channelate

At Least You Can Still Cry

image signs crying At Least You Can Still Cry
Via collegehumor

It's No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

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Via TheIsmComics

A Recipe for Tears

Via crookedframecomics

I Am Here For You

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Via questionful
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One of a Thousand Reasons It Sucks to Have Older Brothers

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This Girl Sobbing During a Break Up Call Sounds Like the Saddest Drag Race

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Oh, is That Where He's From?

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Via Chicago Sun Times

Don't Let Them See Your Weakness

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It's my allergies...

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Created by death_by_rage

This Generation [Part 1 Quadrillion]

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