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Stepmom lashes out at stepdaughter for not naming their 5th child after her: 'She feels like I was disrespectful to her and her efforts to be a mother to me'

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'Don't let sunk costs trap you': No-regrets adults share tales of backing out on their already-paid-for weddings

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'[The groom] simply didn't show up to his own wedding...twice': 20+ Wildest Reasons Why Couples Have Called Off Their Weddings

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'You're both idiots': New parents make an unconventional baby-naming deal, husband wants out after hearing wife's ideas

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Entitled neighbor leaves birthday party with all the leftovers before host and son can eat, returns 45 minutes later for cake: 'I'm pretty sure you've eaten plenty considering you took off with my entire dinner'

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Controlling boyfriend mandates that shower 'dry out' after girlfriend uses it: 'I can't be in it while it's wet or I might slip'

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Entitled aunt demands fancy wedding and refuses to attend niece's small backyard ceremony: 'She went to my parents to ask if we are too poor for a real wedding'

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Entitled mom orders adult meals for her 6 and 9-year-old on boyfriend's dime and refuses to take home leftovers, goes no-contact when boyfriend complains: 'She went silent for a day' 

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20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other's Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

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25 Spouses reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: 'First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget'

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'He had a tall head': 20+ Hilariously petty reasons daters refused a second date

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'You really need to get a new wardrobe': Couple goes on fishing date, woman ditches him for wearing fishing attire

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'He couldn't stand the idea of working for someone else': Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a 'real job'

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Controlling boyfriend withholds salt from girlfriend’s cooking: ‘He needs to take several seats’

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'My dad jokes are wasted': Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

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Boyfriend who peaked in high school gets offended that nerdy girlfriend didn't know who he was in high school: 'Nobody had time to think about popular kids'