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34-year-old sister who can't have children insists on helping name brother's newborn, is offended when he declines: 'My mom thinks I lack compassion'

It's an unfortunate reality
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'This isn't an emergency or a death, it's a vacation': Shady husband wants to pay for brother's overseas wedding trip using joint bank account, calls wife 'insensitive' for refusing

A joint account is all about trust
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Couple marries despite their 12-year-old sons hating each other since kindergarten, can't believe it's not resolved when they're 17: 'It was humiliating to realize other people are so aware of the bad blood'

Drake and Josh, but make it sad.
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family drama drama family feud relationships wedding couples mildly infuriating entitled family Reddit dating entitled people - 36160261

Entitled Couple Plans Destination Wedding, Gets Married Early in Secret Location and Fails to Tell Guests: 'It was too late to cancel our reservations'

There goes their gift
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Pregnant mom keeps baby name a secret from parents after they pressure her to change it, they lash out: 'Extremely insensitive and intrusive'

Not everyone loves surprises
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Entitled Groom Turns Bridezilla Toward Best Man Who's Hosting the Wedding at His House: 'Make sure you have it'

or groomzilla, if you will
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Stepmom lashes out at stepdaughter for not naming their 5th child after her: 'She feels like I was disrespectful to her and her efforts to be a mother to me'

Is she justified?
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'Don't let sunk costs trap you': No-regrets adults share tales of backing out on their already-paid-for weddings

When "I Do" turns into "I Don't"
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'[The groom] simply didn't show up to his own wedding...twice': 20+ Wildest Reasons Why Couples Have Called Off Their Weddings

major tea
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'You're both idiots': New parents make an unconventional baby-naming deal, husband wants out after hearing wife's ideas

Is it that bad?
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Entitled neighbor leaves birthday party with all the leftovers before host and son can eat, returns 45 minutes later for cake: 'I'm pretty sure you've eaten plenty considering you took off with my entire dinner'

There were 10 hamburgers left ...
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Controlling boyfriend mandates that shower 'dry out' after girlfriend uses it: 'I can't be in it while it's wet or I might slip'

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family drama aita entitlement drama Female Empowerment family feud entitled people karma couples dance party entitled family reddit thread Reddit dating entitled people - 26158085

Entitled aunt demands fancy wedding and refuses to attend niece's small backyard ceremony: 'She went to my parents to ask if we are too poor for a real wedding'

dodged a bullet
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Entitled mom orders adult meals for her 6 and 9-year-old on boyfriend's dime and refuses to take home leftovers, goes no-contact when boyfriend complains: 'She went silent for a day' 

They have a kids menu for a reason
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20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other's Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

Memebase & You
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25 Spouses reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: 'First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget'

spare yourself some heartache by learning from these folks' mistakes
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