

Interesting Mythbusters video that demonstrates how easy it is to contract a cold

Video Demonstrates How Easy It Is To Spread A Sickness Around

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Funny memes about winter

Fifteen Cool Winter Memes For The Hibernators

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Funny and cute video of a cat crying because he can't go outside even though it's below freezing temperature

Cute Cat Cries About It Being Below Freezing Outside

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It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Funny meme that reads, "Weather drops 2 degrees" above an image of a Michael Buble Christmas album and someone drinking hot chocolate
Via LeoSenior


Funny meme referencing the line "Well damn Jackie, I can't control the weather" from That '70s Show
Via LeoSenior

Wow, Amazing!

Funny headline that reads, "Homeless Chicago man suffering from hypothermia makes miraculous recovery after someone from Wisconsin informs him 'It's actually much colder where I'm from'"
Via Scruffles2015

That's The Good Stuff

Funny meme with Squidward about one nostril clearing up while you're sick
Via Joshsta


Tumblr post about someone who prefers summer over winter
Via BasicPotatoes

Oh My God Shut Up

Funny tweet about how someone will always compare the weather in their current residence to where they're from
Via climbersrock

Sh*t Was So Cool Back In The Day

Caption that reads, "Fifth graders when someone acts like they're smoking a cigarette by exhaling in the cold" above a pic of a guy laughing hysterically
Via wholemilkmemes_

Who Do They Think They Are

Caption that reads, "No one: ...; Fish at the grocery store: ..." above a pic of a guy with a deadpan expression lying in a bathtub full of ice
Via whyareyouwearingthatstupidmansuit00

Yeah For Real

Caption that reads, "When you've had enough of the snow" above a pic of a guy flamethrowing snow on a sidewalk
Via parrotlover2001

Arguably The Worst Month Of The Year?

Tweet about how February is a confusing and the worst month
Via whiskeyandwhimsy

Just A Little Wind Chill, That's All

Caption that reads, "Canadians: whatev, it's not even that cold out; Canada: ..." above a pic of a cracked egg frozen on the sidewalk
Via chimrichaldsphd
funny memes about the polar vortex

15 Polar Vortex Memes And Reactions For Anyone Just Trying To Stay Warm

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Straight Up Germ Factories

Caption that reads, "This is how lil kids cough" above a pic of a cat with a contorted weird-looking mouth
Via OggyWara