
Twitter story about a cruel mother who "would rather die" than play with her children because it's "boring beyond acceptability"

Cold Mother 'Would Rather Die' Than Play With Her Children Because It's 'Boring Beyond Acceptability'

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Parents Who Raised Jerks Weigh In on What They Would Have Done Differently

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Man Lies About His Wife Being Infertile, Asks Internet for Judgement

Unsolicited Parenting Advice in the Form of Tweets for Goblin Guardians

Unsolicited Parenting Advice in the Form of Tweets for Goblin Guardians

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Teacher Shares All The Names That Parents Shouldn't Use for Their Children

Funny parenting texts | Just found this freezer Elsa from Frozen | Dang Eleanor not going let eat raisins nakey anymore if keep putting them butt s real thing said tonight. Lol

Funny and Relatable Texts From the World of Parenting

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Gen X Mom Complains About Being 'Stuck' Having More Kids Because Her Daughter is Getting Sterilized

'They can't afford a child': Couple asks friends and family to finance their $27,000 IVF treatment, get offended when their sibling refuses to give them $10,000

'They can't afford a child': Couple asks friends and family to finance their $27,000 IVF treatment, get offended when their sibling refuses to give them $10,000

Article about Twitter Discourse Regarding Childless Millennials

Incredulous Dude Can't Understand Why Millennials Don't Want Children

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Prejudiced Woman Gets Put on Blast for Criticizing Husband Hugging His Gay Son

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Relatable Memes for Childless Adults Who Are Really Tired of Seeing Newborn Baby Pics on Their Feed

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'I'l let you lick the lollipop': 15+ Raunchy Songs That People Sang as Kids That Aged Like Milk

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Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud This Weekend (May 13, 2023)

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Twitter Users Debate Whether the General Population is Responsible For Children in Public Spaces

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Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud This Weekend (April 22, 2023)

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Funny Memes Where Kids Are the Punchlines