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Funny Kids Pen Hilarious Apology Note For Ripping Open a Bean Bag Chair

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Adult Children Discuss The Struggle of Financially Supporting Their Parents

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People Admit to Times They Feigned Naivety as Children to Gain Cuteness Points From Adults

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Comically Dumb Internet Comments That Were Probably Written by Disturbed Children

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Satirical Screenshot About Homeschooling Starts Debate Over Whether Parents Should Be Able to Teach Their Kids

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Clueless Parents Let Toddler Wear Squeaky Shoes to Wedding

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Childfree Woman Gets Advised by Redditors on What to Say to Her New Parent Friends

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Men Share the Amusing and Serious Downsides of Not Having Kids

Mother Grounds Her Kid for Six Months After They Break a Vase

Mother Grounds Her Kid for Six Months After They Break a Vase

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Cunning Dad Gets Petty Revenge on Bratty Kid Who Excluded His Son at the Playground

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The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (August 22, 2023)

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Delusional Stepmom Allows Stepchildren to Call Her "Mom", Can't Understand Why Their Real Mother Strongly Objects

parenting, parents, kids, babies, children, adults, opinion, unpopular opinions, twitter, twitter thread

People Share Their Most Controversial Parenting Opinions

Woman Gets Interrupted on Family Trip to Amusement Park by Entitled Karen Who Demands She Give Her Child 'Candy'

Woman Gets Interrupted on Family Trip to Amusement Park by Entitled Karen Who Demands She Give Her Child 'Candy'

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30 Hilariously Well-Intentioned Lies That Fibbing Parents Told Their Kids

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27 Dad Memes for Strict Parents Rockin' New Balance Sneakers (August 1, 2023)