

Who cut the cheese? Seriously that reeks. Better air it out, or maybe grab a milder wheel to balance it out. These cheesy puns will have you groaning in no time, so don't go anywhere, and don't cut any more cheese.

Cat's Attempt to Lick Cheese Off Nose

cheese gifs Cats nom nom nom - 8373960448
Created by ani.s4

42-Gallon Jug? Now That's What I'm Talkin' About!

cheese - 8364351744

Cheese Packs

rage packaging cheese opening - 8312992512
Created by YoungsterJoey44

Hedgehog Eats Some Cheese

cheese gifs critters hedgehogs - 8288036864

Ooh, Good Point

bra cheese wrong funny - 8287889152

Cheese Billiards

cheese mindwarp gifs pool - 8286117888
Via GIF King

Cheesy Sorcery

dogs cheese sweet jesus magic - 8286923520

Yes to All These Thing

cheese motorcycle funny mouse - 8284701440

Made in 'Murica

China cheese - 8240089344

Who Doesn't Love Cheese?

awesome cheese funny love - 8203594752

I Am Not a Smart Man

cheese facepalm sandwich - 8166095872

Quesadilla Goodness

food cheese lunch sweet jesus - 8142321664

This Whole Case is Just a Hot Curd

twitter cheese puns police g rated win - 8113532416
Via Brown Cardigan

The Cheese Is Confusing

wtf cheese books funny - 8114535168
Via google

When People From Wisconsin Move to Texas...

cheese facepalm texas wisconsin - 8106413056

Who Gave That Mouse Explosives?

cheese maze funny mouse - 8102697472