

tree, trees, tree hugger, nature, mother nature, hoa, property, california, homeowner, homeownership, homeowners, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, outrage

'It will take years for our landscaping to recover': Tyrannical HOA cuts down over 30 trees in just 6 days, angering homeowners

Call me a tree hugger, but trees are our friends
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'I woke up to $500 in charges on my credit card': PlayStation bans gamer for getting scammed, he makes parent company fly him to California

He got that money back somehow
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roundup, social media, internet, internet news, mugshots, mugshot, rudy giuliani, donald trump, hurricane, hurricane hillary, california, weather, corn, couple, relationship, marriage, baby, oppenheimer, tiktok, viral tiktok, twitter, cheems, dog, death

Weekly Internet Roundup: Californian Hurricanes, Anti-Corn Couples, and Political Mugshots

Plus, Cheems says goodbye.
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hurricane hurricane-hilary tropical-storm hilary storm weather humid california californians wholesome hurriquake fun funny videos cali socal los-angeles san-diego florida rainn

'They unleashed their inner Florida man': A Wholesome Collection of Californians Who Actually Had a Blast During Hurricane Hilary

Cali kids don't know how to act during a Hurriquake
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portland, oregon, raining, northwest, eugene, oregon trail, rain, western, united states, america, washington, california, memes, funny memes, meme

35 Oregon Memes For Pacific Northwesterners Who Are Used To The Rain But Can't Pump Gas

Oregon has quite a reputation amongst the citizens of the other 49 states. For some of us, it reminds us of the mid-1800s, when pioneers trod across the western United States in search of a better life in Oregon on the titular trail. Whether they found a better life there than in Missouri or whatever remains to be seen. For others, we might think of Oregon as the home of the infamous city of Portland. I've spent more time watching Portlandia than I would care to admit on a public platform, but…
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cities, housing, apartment, space, rent, renting, wtf, twitter

Bleak "Shared Rooms" for Rent in Palo Alto Inspire Horror and Ridicule

Imagine living like this
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Spicy gender reveal memes, dank memes, gender reveal parties, it's a boy, california wildfires. | Road to El Dorado ROAD TD EL DORADO GOLDPOSTING My lord is s Boy. | Anakin Skywalker before and after Gender Reveal his kids. burned Darth Vader

20+ Spicy Gender Reveal Memes

Well, if you didn't think gender reveal parties were stupid, chances are you do now. Remember the wildfires that raged on the west coast? Well, we've learned that announcing whether your kid is a boy or a girl can cause irreparable damage and death. That's on top of the fact that they honestly seem to be completely unnecessary. It's almost as if people need a constant flow of milestone events to validate the fact that they exist on planet Earth. How many things are we going to have to lave lavi…
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midwest, midwestern, life, corn, states, america, american, walmart, illinois, ohio, indiana, nebraska, corn fed, nice, people, stereotypes, funny, skit, hilarious, meme, relatable, drive, gas prices

'Check to see if the corn is taller than you': The Most Fun Things to do in The Midwest

Anyone down for Casey's Pizza?
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25 Relatable Memes for People Living Through an Excessive Heat Warning

25 Relatable Memes for People Living Through an Excessive Heat Warning

How long has it been over 100?
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Story about employees of noah's bagels quitting their jobs because a manager was unjustly fired

Entire Staff of Bagel Store Quits In Response to Manager's Unjust Termination

We often make fun of employers who compare staff to a family. It's a corny sentiment that rarely rings true. But it seems like for Noah's Bagel Shop in Vacaville, California, the sentiment was a reality. After the store's manager Bre Kowalski was suspended due to a supposed customer complaint, she discovered that her final paycheck had been deposited into her bank account. Instead of giving her the suspension, her employers had decided to fire here - without giving any notification. They eventu…
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reddit, reddit thread, funny thread, ask reddit, america, united states, geography, funny, memes, states, maryland, Massachusetts, california, maine, texas, new york, new mexico, delaware, minnesota, midwest, florida man

Americans Describe the States They Live In Without Revealing Names in Funny Thread

America is a big, beautiful mess. Each state has its own unique identity, some so distinct that many Americans can easily recognize a state based on a few key characteristics. Redditor u/Thomas_The_Llama recently prompted the people of r/AskReddit to describe their states without revealing any names, and the resulting thread is very entertaining (unless, of course, you're not American , in which case you might be a little confused).
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viral videos, public freakout, free money, felony, crime, bank robbery, funny, funny video, cash, twitter thread, reddit, stupid people, san diego, influencer

Influencer Gets Roasted for Incriminating Herself After Armored Car Spills Cash Onto Freeway

Free money or felony waiting to happen?
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funny jokes about gender reveals after el dorado wildfires in california | Dan Slott @DanSlott Only Can Prevent Gender Reveal Parties. SMOKEY | Jordy @inurendo next catastrophic gender reveal 's boy

California's Gender Reveal Fires Inspire Rage & Jokes On Twitter

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Funny dank memes about the wildfires in California

Sixteen Mildly Insensitive Memes About The California Wildfires

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It's His Right To Be There

Funny meme about a bear wandering into a town hall meeting in California
Via ZacharyIsBadAtLife
Tweets about Viral video of Disneyland Fight in Toon Town.

Twitter's Freaking Out Over Violent Family Fight At Disneyland

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