


Caption that reads, "Hate when older people say 'You're too young to be tired,' alright Margaret you're too old to be alive but here we are" above a pic of Kermit the Frog
Via kerrykitty


Tweet that reads, "Legendary" above a text conversation where someone addresses the other person has "hello everyone" because they always screenshot their conversations
Via XlookingforwardX


"Second choices starter pack" featuring brands like Pepsi, Sega and Burger King
Via richprich

Sick Burn

Funny meme with a dis, skyrim, speech 100.
Via TooManyC00ks

Another Ryan Reynolds Kill

Ryan Reynolds tweet that reads, "Three of the most beautiful, considerate and loving people I've ever known, and then there's Blake" above a pic of Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and their two kids
Via JakeFromHighSchool


Text conversation where Person 1 says, "You aren't gonna believe who is beautiful!" Person 2 says, "Who is?" and Person 1 says, "Read the first two words"
Via Yuub

Sick Burn Bro

Tumblr post that reads, "Today my little brother (he's six) put a seashell to his ear and told me the ocean said I'm a nerd"
Via WickedPhallus

Sick Burn

Text conversation where someone asks why the chicken crossed the road, with the answer "to get to the idiot's house;" then they say "knock knock, it's the chicken" to their friend
Via Darkbutterflies

17 Spicy Social Media Burns That Deserve Your Respect

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He's Still Out There Climbing

Text conversation where the guy asks the girl if she's single, and the girl responds with a picture of a guy climbing to symbolize that he's 'climbing out of the friendzone'
Via Ryder2800


Cross-stitch with a picture of Pluto that says, "Dear NASA, your mom thought I was big enough. Love, Pluto"
Via INeverKnowWhattoPutforThisShit

Campbell's Brought The Heat

Campbell's ad featuring two dads and their son; a homophobic woman complains about it and Campbell's makes a witty comeback
Via oddcoffee

Hot Tip

Funny meme and roasting of someone who shoplifted.
Via god
Funny savage tweets about shit kids say.

24 Times Kids Were Unintentionally Savage

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Wendy's Is On The Meme Tip

Funny meme, infinity war, wendy's, twitter.
Via Know Your Meme


text virginity funny burn - 9152686848
Via IsNice