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'Slander is illegal and can cost you lots and lots of money': Aggressive CEO replies to negative Glassdoor review, proves the reviewer right

That's libel babe
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'There's even an At-Will clause in my contract': Boss refuses to accept employee's resignation, threatens to sue him for quitting

"At Will" means quitting is allowed
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'You have to work FIVE years to be eligible for 1 week of PTO': Company announces absurd PTO policy, denies any vacation time to employees with under 5 years at the company

This is absurd
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'I wasn't even given a single shift': Hotel chain fires employee before they start

New fear unlocked
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'I was never supposed to approve your vacation': Boss tries to renege on employees Christmas vacation that he approved in October

Too little too late
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'It would be very uncomfortable to work here if you don't attend': Boss forces teachers to share beds during 'mandatory' unpaid work retreat, two strong teachers refuse to attend

Talk about uncomfortabale
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rules, ok boomer, workplace stories, boomer, teenager, toxic workplace, job, teenage, bad jobs, teenagers, work, boomers, workplace, toxic work environment, toxic manager

Teen Receives Absurd List of "Rules" On Her First Day of Work

Sounds like a pretty cynical worldview
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Boss Plans to Fire Employee After His Father's Passing Because She 'Doesn't Know How Responsible He is'

What a joke
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Boss Slowly Forces Remote Employee to Work in the Office Full Time Despite Being Hired to be Remote

The end of an era
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Overworked Junior Employee Quits Without Notice, Leaving Lazy Boss Hung Out to Dry

Good for her
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College-Educated Employee Expects Coworker Clean Up Her Mess On His Own Time

She's got a lot of nerve
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Boss Claims Employees Must Always Answer His Calls, But He Doesn't Have To Answer Their Calls

Double standard much?
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Fast Food Worker Gets Written Up After Calling Ambulance For Customer Going Into Diabetic Shock

Because that makes sense
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Unreasonable Boss Gets Angry at Employee For Monetizing His Hobby

God forbid someone have multiple streams of income
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Worker Gets Cursed Out And Accused of Using $40K Per Year Job as a 'Stepping Stone' After Handing in Their Two Week Notice

Very professional
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26-Year Employee Gets Laid off Years Before Retirement Because he Can't Uproot to a New State

So wrong
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