

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

burger, food, best burger, george motz, smash burger, askreddit, reddit thread

Burger-Lovers Weigh In on Things That Can Instantly Ruin a Hamburger

In my humble opinion, the best burger in the world is some variation of George Motz's Oklahoma fried onion smash burger. It's pretty simple. Oil and heat your skillet. Place a ball of 80/20 ground beef in the skillet and season with salt. Add a handful of finely sliced white onions on top of your ball. Smash the onions and beef into a thin patty and then leave it alone . Wait until the frilly edges go brown. Flip the patty. Lay a single slice of bullshit cheese on top (you know, those pre-wrapp…
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A Reddit story about a crazy boss who demands restaurant employees sign an NDA and not talk about their work for 25 years

Crazy Boss Makes Employees Sign an NDA Saying They Can't Speak About Their Job For 25 Years

One of life's greatest pleasures is being able to complain about a job you hate . If I wasn't able to tell my close friends and family about the annoying customers and often more annoying coworkers at my customer service jobs, then I don't know how I would be able to survive. Even when things weren't so bad at work, it's fun to share work stories. When I worked at a dog bakery, a customer told me she owned a dog funeral parlor. I was so taken aback that all I could say was, “I'm sorry" To that,…
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genres, christmas music, Music, tiktoks, Music FAILS, funny reddit, askreddit, country music, subreddit, reddit thread, genre, Reddit, tiktok

People Discuss Their Least Favorite Music Genres

Don't say rap and country
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stories, scary stories, drunk driving, Death, bad idea, Probably bad News, Reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, Sad, True story, Story

Harrowing Stories of People Ruining Their Life in One Day

Life can change in an instant. Sometimes, you see tragic things coming from miles away. If a loved one is slowly succumbing to an illness, it might not hurt so much when they die because at least you had time to prepare for the inevitable emotionally. But when a death or a tragedy comes out of nowhere, the surprise of the occurrence can be extremely traumatic . You don't have to be a wreckless or clueless person to suffer in a horrible accident or have your life ruined instantly. These things c…
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A Reddit discussion about the benefits of working from the office versus working from home

Workers Discuss The Benefits of Working in an Office Vs Working From Home

To work in the office or work at home? That question has plagued us during the plague years, and its answer is more complex than you'd think. Many assume that everyone wants to work from home, and those who don't are part of a tiny minority, which is not necessarily the case. Before the pandemic, I could not get any work done unless I was out of the house. There was something that activated in my brain when I went into a library or office that could get me to achieve unparalleled levels of prod…
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A compilation of funny and weird posts and comments from Reddit

Hilarious Posts From The Good Side of Reddit

Reddit has a mediocre reputation depending on who you ask. So many non-Redditors believe it's an absolute cesspool of the worst people with the worst opinions imaginable. I myself believed that before I made my account. I had little to no faith that the website all of my friend's boyfriends were obsessed with would be a fulfilling experience. Those who've never taken a dip into the waters of Reddit themselves need to know that it's just like any social media. When you're a Redditor, you need to…
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keanu reeves, john wick, actor, questions, answers, ama, reddit, wholesome, cool, movies

Keanu Reeves Charms Reddit With Detailed AMA

He's still wholesome
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reddit memes, job, internet, losers, askreddit, moms, hobbies, facebook, no life, social media, Horrible Bosses, loser, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, social life

People Discuss The Pinnacles of Loser Behavior

How does one kill that which has no life?
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jobs, work, salary, overpaid, rich people, funny, reddit thread, reddit, askreddit, antiwork

Overvalued and Overpaid Jobs That Are Totally Useless

Doesn't it seem like some of the hardest, most labor-intensive, (and often most important) jobs in the world pay the worst while some of the most useless ones somehow pay the best? Coincidence? I'm not so sure. Lots of redditors got together on good ol' r/AskReddit to make a comprehensive list of all the most overpaid and overvalued jobs that exist today. My question is: where can I find these “ jobs ” and how do I sign up?
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A reddit thread where people share their families deep dark secrets

People Share Their Families Deepest Darkest Secrets

Family secrets are hit or miss. You can either discover something super rad about the people you see during Christmas and Thanksgiving or realize that they really are horrible people deep down. When you're a kid, every piece of new information you learn about your extended family feels like a long-hidden family secret. Even if this is not true by definition, I believe that anything once unknown to you that you learn about your family counts as a family secret. My grandma worked for a TV station…
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askreddit, reddit, rude, funny, reddit thread, annoying, relationships, coworkers

People Share Times They Knew They Weren't Going to Like Someone Within a Minute of Meeting Them

Human beings are social animals whose survival relies on cooperation. We as a species need relationships in order to thrive, and yet, sometimes we really can't freakin' stand each other. Sometimes you just don't like a person, and you know what? That's okay. Maybe we don't all need to get along. In a recent amusing Reddit thread, people shared times they knew within a minute of meeting someone that they weren't going to vibe. It's hard not to relate.
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askreddit, movies, films, action films, lord of the rings, length, long, unexpected

People Discuss Movies That Shocked Them With Their Length

There's (only) 50 minutes left?!
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tomatoes, tomato, cheese sandwich, food memes, lettuce, accidental gross, askreddit, cursed food, burgers and sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwich, break, gross food, food, Reddit, meat

People Discuss The Ingredients That Ruin a Sandwich

Choosing the right ingredients for a sandwich is essential, and even when you do everything right, your sandwich can still end up gross. I've made many questionable sandwich-topping choices throughout my life, and I'm at peace with that. I spent at least a calendar year ordering burgers with only pickles and onions on them; I can only imagine what my breath smelled like during that year. I also regularly got black olives on my sandwich when I went to Subway, and let's just say I wouldn't make t…
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yikes, ask reddit, work stories, funny stories, funny story, enemies, askreddit, reddit story, bad people, true story, stupid people, workplace, story, reddit thread, stories, Reddit, rude

People Discuss Times They Hated Someone From The Moment They Met Them

First impressions can be a tricky thing. I have gotten poor first impressions from some of the best people in my life, and I thank heavens every day that I did not wholly dismiss them after one questionable meeting . At the same time, there have been several times when I have gotten a bad vibe from someone after first meeting them and gave them a chance, only to find out later that they were a pretty rotten person. Most of the time, first meetings won't give you the complete picture of your fut…
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gay, lgbtq, homosexuality, askreddit, reddit thread, funny, wholesome, parenting, heartwarming, coming out

Wholesome & Funny Reactions Parents Had When They Found Out Their Kid Was Gay

I remember when I was in college, I went to a close friend's childhood home for Thanksgiving dinner with his family. My friend was openly gay at school, but he hadn't told his parents yet at the time. While we helped his mom prepare dinner in the kitchen, she told us a story about a kid in her class who was afraid of coming out to his parents. “I just feel so much for this child who believes there's a possibility that his parents won't accept and love him. That must be so hard.” To me, she was…
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'What's an off-screen/off-page moment you wish we could have seen/read about in 'Harry Potter':' Fans dream up parts of the story they wish actually happened

'What's an off-screen/off-page moment you wish we could have seen/read about in 'Harry Potter':' Fans dream up parts of the story they wish actually happened

[SPOILER ALERT] Not to turn the series into a love story, but would've been nice to really dive into how Harry and Ginny fall in love. It was just like immature flirting and then BOOM it's the end and they're married??
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