
ask reddit

A story about a crazy Karen who gets angry at a mother for explaining pregnancy to her young son

Delusional Karen Scolds Mother For Explaining Pregnancy To Her Son

Sex Education is one of those topics that some people have a challenging time breaching with their kids. My parents were never the kind of people to try to tell me some hogwash about a stork and a baby; They were not in the business of baloney. I don't remember the exact moment when I realized what sex was because it was more of a gradual conversation throughout many years and, therefore, not so shocking to me. The one thing I do remember about our most memorable birds and the bees talk is that…
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A Reddit story about a worker who gets his finger sliced off and his boss refuses to pay workers comp

Teenage Worker Gets Finger Sliced off on Machinery, Boss Refuses to Pay Workers Comp

Working a thankless customer service job can be grueling. You get regularly disrespected by both customers and your boss . Customers might yell at you or even in rare situations throw a glass at your head, but they typically don't pose real danger to your safety. They come in, they ruin your night, and then they leave. Your boss is much more likely to put you in unsafe situations due to their negligence. Sure, they might not intend to hurt you, but they do hurt you just the same through inane p…
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science, creepy, disturbing, reddit, reddit thread, ask reddit, health, weird facts, fun facts, climate change, microplastics, space, biology

Scary Science Facts Most People Don't Think About

Not-so-fun facts
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A compilation of funny and interesting images and screenshots from Reddit posts and Reddit threads

Hilarious Reddit Posts That Prove It's Not So Bad After All

Reddit has a mediocre reputation depending on who you ask. So many non-Redditors believe it's an absolute cesspool of the worst people with the worst opinions imaginable. I myself believed that before I made my account. Those who've never taken a dip into the waters of Reddit themselves need to know that it's just like any social media in that you need to curate your feed. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok: every one of these places can be either a pleasant walk in the park or hell on earth, depending…
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Reddit post about crazy Karen who demands person gets out of elevator for her and her seven children

Crazy Karen Demands Everyone Gets Out of Elevator to Make Room For Her 7 Children

The hallmark trait of a Karen is entitlement. Most Karen's wants to control every person around them, even if they is making the most demanding and absurd request. Not only do they believe the world revolves around them, but they are going to ensure that everyone around them knows they think the world revolves around them and make it the public's problem. One of the worst breeds of Karen's are those who demand you inconvenience yourself for them and their spoiled rotten kids . They yell at rest…
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ask reddit, reddit, funny comments, jobs, careers, funny stories, job application, job memes, work, work sucks, bosses, red flag | Space2345 5d they ask out no where clients can bring with Reply 6.3k stupidlyugly 5d interviewed with MetLife insurance about twenty years ago. They demanded provide them with contact list no fewer than hundred friends and family. Noped out quickly. 4.4k WineAndDogs2020 5d Sure wasn't an interview with an MLM? | once told Sometimes hourly workers go on strike and

Blaring and Subtle Red Flags People Noticed During Job Interviews

These people really dodged a bullet
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reddit thread, reddit, ask reddit, personality, funny, archetype

Thread Discusses Common Things People Base Their Whole Personalities On

Human beings love to stuff themselves into little categorical boxes in order to simultaneously fit in and stand out. But to strongly identify with something outside yourself sounds pretty absurd when you really think about it. Is the type of breakfast cereal you consume really such an integral part of your core being? Do you feel like the bands you listen to represent the whole of your personality ? Not to get all philosophical, but I'm pretty sure the things people tend to base their entire pe…
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ask reddit, reddit thread, funny, interesting, creepy, funny comments, wtf, horror, scary

Amusing Things That Are Normal at 3PM but Terrifying at 3AM

What is it about the night that transforms the seemingly mundane into the stuff of nightmares ? It can't just be about the dark. It feels deeper and more primal than that. There's no doubt that the sound of an ice cream truck is pleasant, warm and nostalgic at 3PM, but completely sinister at 3AM. One twisted soul encouraged the redditors of r/AskReddit to list a bunch of different things that feel normal during the day, but terrifying at night. We've collected all of our favorites for your amus…
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ask reddit, reddit thread, america, americans, united states, culture, funny thread, interesting, government, tipping, health care, work

People Observe Things That Are Uniquely American in Interesting Thread

As an American who recently moved to the United Kingdom, a lot of the funny observations in this amusing Reddit thread about uniquely American things really resonated with me. For example, when someone asks me where I'm from, my first instinct is to say, “well I grew up in California, but I just moved from New York.” Whereas a European might simply respond with what country they're from. And I never realized that to many people outside the United States, certain Americans (especially New Yorker…
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fanbase, nerds, funny, reddit thread, roast, star wars, harry potter, fandom, anime, funny comments, ask reddit

Surefire Ways to Trigger an Entire Fanbase

Redditors discuss how to deeply upset nerds
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relationships, anatomy, men, women, dating, ask reddit, wholesome, sex, nsfw, interesting, reddit thread, funny, funny comments

Cis Men Do an ‘Ask Me Anything’ and the Thread Is Surprisingly Wholesome

Men address everything from anatomy to relationships
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reddit, reddit thread, funny thread, ask reddit, america, united states, geography, funny, memes, states, maryland, Massachusetts, california, maine, texas, new york, new mexico, delaware, minnesota, midwest, florida man

Americans Describe the States They Live In Without Revealing Names in Funny Thread

America is a big, beautiful mess. Each state has its own unique identity, some so distinct that many Americans can easily recognize a state based on a few key characteristics. Redditor u/Thomas_The_Llama recently prompted the people of r/AskReddit to describe their states without revealing any names, and the resulting thread is very entertaining (unless, of course, you're not American , in which case you might be a little confused).
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askreddit, ask reddit, hoarders, wtf, sex toys, stories, yikes, oh god why, bed bugs, reddit, dirty jobs, scary | nolatime 6h Realtor here showing house supposed be empty knocked and rang bell make sure. Once inside walked into bedroom and found current tenant butt ass naked absolutely slamming on an electronic drum kit mostly sound proof room. He never noticed there, but ill never forget him.

23 People Recount Bizarre Things They Found In Strangers' Homes

From bed bugs to human bones, these people have seen it all
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reddit, reddit thread, funny, wtf, never again, funny stories, ask reddit, lol, relatable

People Share the Dumb & Weird Things They'll Never Do Again

Never eat a Carolina Reaper pepper
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roast me, funny roasts, ask reddit, reddit, insults, memes, funny comments, reddit thread, burn, sick burn

Redditors Share Roasts That Annihilated Them Beyond Recovery

Only the thick-skinned should post to r/RoastMe
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askreddit, forums, discussion, interesting, opinion, ask reddit, funny comments, social media | r/AskReddit u/666FuCkThEwOrLd666 brings worst out people? | Echo chambers is easy dehumanize people who are different than never spend any time interacting with them.Traditional_Flan_652 Black Friday KingOrion5 Ah yes only day year can see Karen curb stomp kid over PS5

People Discuss Things That Bring Out The Worst In Others

Turns out, it's a lot of stuff
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