

company, work from home, antiwork, surveillance, employee, working from home, job, work, working, Office, camera, wfh, home office, companies, spying

'How is this legal?': Company forcibly installs cameras into employee's home offices to spy on them

Dystopian much?
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management, shift, antiwork, toxic manager, manager, work, toxic management, reddit story, horrible management, managers, reddit thread, Reddit, money, terrible management

'Add another zero': Manager offers ex-employee $50 to work a shift, claims to be desperate for staff

Only $50 desperate?
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work, workplace, antiwork, work stories, toxic workplace, bartender, bartending, service industry, food service, recruiter, recruiting, job search, job application, reddit story, reddit thread

'I just roll my eyes and mark whatever answers make me look good': Bartending job requires insane logic test in online application

Since when are job apps a puzzle?
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management, antiwork, meetings, toxic manager, jobs, employee, manager, job, meeting, bad jobs, work, toxic management, working, horrible management, managers

Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidentally Sends It to Him

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reviews, libel, jobs, review, job, bad jobs, funny reviews, work, slander, glassdoor, ceo, company, antiwork, toxic workplace, toxic boss, toxic work environment

'Slander is illegal and can cost you lots and lots of money': Aggressive CEO replies to negative Glassdoor review, proves the reviewer right

That's libel babe
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getting fired, antiwork, twitter, zoom, jobs, employee, fired, toxic workplace, job, viral tiktok, fired story, work, laid off, employees, moving, company, tiktok

Company fires employee who relocated for the job after 3 months of working: 'I uprooted my life to move over here'

She deserves better
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, work stories, employement, wages, money, scam, delivery

'Are they insane?': Employee understandably turns down $2.50 job, employer wants 'to talk'

That's less than subway fare
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boss, antiwork, employee, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, i quit, quit, employer, toxic boss, workplace, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, quitting story, quitting

'There's even an At-Will clause in my contract': Boss refuses to accept employee's resignation, threatens to sue him for quitting

"At Will" means quitting is allowed
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antiwork, workplace stories, jobs, employee, toxic workplace, job, work, wives, wife, time off, employees, PTO, workplace, leave, surgery, toxic work environment

'I do not work there': Boss asks for doctor's note for employee's wife's surgery after she takes PTO to take care of her

It's none of his business
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, antiwork, work, workplace, toxic workplace, work stories, workplace stories, toxic boss, toxic work environment, nightmare fuel, bad bosses

'Something out of a dystopian novel’: Evil company surreptitiously takes photos of employees throughout their work day

This is crazy
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management, antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, jobs, employee, part time, toxic workplace, manager, job, work, on call, employees, workplace, full time

Part-Time Job Demands Employee Be 'On Call' From 9-6

That sounds a little full-time to me
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linkedin, work, workplace, workplace stories, hr, human resources, manager, managers, Social Media, antiwork, toxic manager, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, management

'Multiple managers viewed my LinkedIn profile': Worker sets LinkedIn status to 'open to work' after HR puts them on a performance improvement plan

Make them sweat
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workplace, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, therapy, job, jobs, on the job, funny, work stories, reddit, reddit thread, malicious compliance reddit, antiwork, subreddit

Boss Tells Overworked Contractor to Get a Therapist, It Majorly Backfires

Task successfully failed
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‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

Customer service is never an easy job to work in. A whole different story, though, applies to customer service jobs during the holiday season. A disappointed retail sales associate tells his story below. For a while now, OP has been employed in the field of customer service. He is therefore well-acquainted with the variety of challenges that come with working in the field of customer service, especially retail. However, OP's life isn't getting any easier because of the new craze that's taking t…
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, quitting, quitting work, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Looks like she will be covering that shift after all!': Worker has the perfect comeback for employer who reneged on agreed-upon schedule

Great email fodder
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, work stories, customer service, service industry, service industry story

'America really needs to learn to relax': Company implements 'Code Sunshine,' forces employees to be weird customer service robots

Very Stepford Wives vibes
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