
overtime, compensation, work, jobs, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, malicious compliance, horrible bosses

Manager Expects Employee to Work Off the Clock, Gets Massive Overtime Request Instead

retail work antiwork work customers advice staying-calm reddit thread Reddit working retail keep calm - 19228677

Workers Share Helpful Tactics For Staying Calm With Aggressive Customers

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People Share All the Reasons They Don't Want to Work

i quit, anti work, work, antiwork, funny, horrible bosses, jobs, reddit, reddit thread

Boss Throws Temper Tantrum When Worker Quits, Royally Screws Himself Over

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Petty Boss Penalizes Worker for Being 10 Minutes Late, Skillful Revenge Ensues

antiwork, malicious compliance, work, jobs, reddit, reddit thread, minimum wage

Clever Worker Quits & Gets Rehired to Qualify for Higher Wage

Reddit thread about a scammer who tries to get dude to pay £650 for training at his 'new job'

Scammer Tries To Get Dude To Pay £650 For Training At His 'New Job'

reddit, reddit thread, antiwork, vacation, holiday, mental health, work, jobs, employment, life, america

American Workers Discuss the Perils of Living With So Few Holidays

antiwork workplace Horrible Bosses boss coworkers employment - 17031941

Boss Tells Employee That "A Pat On the Back" is Better Than Being Paid For Overtime

Reddit thread about a crazy boss who rants and raves about employees who have quit to his own employees

Bombastic Boss Has Huge Outburst After Employees Quit His Company

reviews antiwork employee toxic-workplace revenge petty revenge employer workplace Horrible Bosses glass door Memes job interview interview - 17781253

'My review comes up a lot in their interview process': Worker's Glassdoor review causes trouble for previous employer

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

A list of posts to a Reddit thread divulging the worst things their bosses have ever said to them.

Workers Share The Worst Things Terrible Bosses Have Ever Said To Them

work, antiwork, jobs, labor, horrible bosses, i quit, reddit, reddit thread, human resources

Worker Quits After Receiving Insulting 'Prize' From Management

Reddit thread where workers discuss the pros and cons of skipping lunch at work

Workers Discuss Whether They Skip Lunch At Work, And Why

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Careless Boss Ruins Secret Santa Game After Forgetting to Buy Gift for Employee