

It's Every Millennial's Dream!

Caption that reads, "Because adults deserve gold stars too" above a pic of a board with a bunch of stickers listing mundane day-to-day activities
Via CodyBurkett
Funny adulting memes.

23 Memes & Pics For Anyone Who Has Embraced Adulting

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Caption that reads, "When your parents vaccinated you and you had to live a full life and become an adult" above a pic of a guy saying, "So this is bullsh*t"
Via TowerofHeaven
adulting memes

22 Adulting Memes For The Sad Sacks Just Trying To Get Through It All

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petty fight over parking lot

Police Respond To Two Adult-Babies Having A Petty Parking Lot Standoff In This Absurd Twitter Story

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It's Called Saving

Tweet that reads, "Adulting is putting back the $4.86 pack of chicken and getting $4.66 pack cause that twenty cents adds up"
Via AshleighPopplewell350

Very, Very Stupid Indeed

Tweet that reads, "It's interesting growing up and learning that most adults are not smart. I had my suspicions as a kid but I didn't think the situation was this dire"
Via ifyouwanttoknowmoreaboutparanoidpeoplejustfollowthemaround
old twitter comparison growing up relatable adult getting older coffee old people high school funny tweets - 7895301

Twitter Users Compare Their High School Selves To Their Current Selves And It's Relatable As Hell

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Few Consider This

Caption that reads, "As an 'adult' I always forget that I can buy a cake whenever I want and no one can stop me" above a pic of a chocolate cake
Via LeoSenior


Tweet that reads, "My mom vs. my dad" above a text conversation where a girl's parents tell her happy birthday, and her dad gets the wrong age
Via UsernameNoLongerValid


Tweet that reads, "I called the cops on my own party last night because I was ready to go to bed"
Via tommymessala
tips to act like an adult

15 Snarky-Ass Tips To Make You Look Like A Halfway-Sophisticated Adult

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'Per My Last Email...'

Tweet that reads, "How to be a grown-up at work: replace 'f*ck you' with 'okay, great'"
Via fishingdownbythelake

'Fiiiine, Mom'

Tweet that reads, "What is the dumbest thing you believed as a child?" Someone replies, "Once I'm 18 my mom won't be able to tell me I can and can't do anymore"
Via rvahnc


Twee that reads, "One of the weirder things about being an adult is having a favorite stovetop, yet nobody talks about it"
Via rvahnc

That Was The Sh*t

Sign that reads, "I've spent my whole adult life chasing the high of a Scholastic book fair"
Via kerrykitty