

life, wisdom, child, children, adult, growing up, life lessons, dumb, maturity, immaturity, mature, askreddit

People Talk About Their Opinions That Changed When They Grew Up

Adulthood sucks
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Funny text messages from concerned parents to their kids | nic @nicananti Replying rfarawi_ At least she greeted first. Yesterday 12:10 AM Hey can stay out till 12mid night. Are street girl. Come home immediately. iMessage 1:59 PM 7/26/20 Twitter iPhone

20+ Times Overbearing Parents Took Their Concern to Amusing Heights

Chill, mom and dad.
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comedy, movie, 80s, children, teenager, adolescent, lol, carpet, car battery, problem, parents

Guy Describes Wacky Teenage Debacle That’s Straight Out Of An 80s Buddy Movie

The Goonies could never.
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memes | fresh avocado vs moldy old avocado hangover 21 vs. hangover 27 | Tweet Nina @simplynhinz Waking up every morning wondering if coming down with cold, or if this is just wake up now. 12/22/17, 11:33 AM

30 Adulting Memes And Tweets For Anyone Feeling Geriatric

We get it.
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Funny memes about step-siblings in porn | been through rough break up but sisters are there comfort and console Whats wrong step bro?? | step-sister accidentally touches leg 's countrytime Spongebob in a bucket hat

SFW Dank Memes About Step-Siblings In 'Adult Entertainment'

You gotta love the horrendous acting.
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funny meme about 30s | standing up in your 30s be like bad knees
Via @memebase

Run Away!

Funny meme depicting a Millennial who is about to turn 30 | PEOPLE BORN IN The 90s 30's HERE IT COMES
Via Here4TheCultStuff

Feeling Personally Attacked

Funny meme that reads, "My mental health as soon as I turn 30" above a scene from Dragon Ball Z where Piccolo says that an "existential crisis" is what's for breakfast
Via ReduceReuseRecycledMemes
Funny tweets about being 30 years old | 30andTired @30andTired Imagine s 2008. MGMT just came out with Electric Feel with group friends met at freshman orientation and blasting shit room is hazy, and Natty Ice is flowin. No one has care world. And then. Out nowhere. Hotbox pizza shows up.

Sixteen Relatable Tweets For The Pensive 30-Year-Old

Being 30 is rough, man.
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Funny and relatable memes about the difficulties of making friends as an adult | spongebob holding a sign really wanna be ur friend but have no idea start conversation. tweet by apocalynds Adult friendship 2 people saying haven't seen forever should really hang out more over and over again until one dies

Bunch Of Memes About The Trials Of Making Friends As An Adult

Adulting sucks.
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Don't Be Ridiculous

Funny tweet that reads, "I think about this every day" above a still from Broad City of Ilana Glazer's character saying, "Marriage? Lincoln, I'm only 27. What am I? A child bride?"
Via anlyin

I Feel Like This Every Day

Funny meme that reads, "Anyone else only in their 20s but feel like they are running out of time to get their life together??" above a photo of a sad guy lying on a couch
Via ineedanapandacat

Ms. Smith Is Your Permanent Name

Funny tweet about someone seeing their fifth-grade teacher and the teacher telling them they can call her by her first name
Via dizzyhuey

For Real

Funny tweet that reads, "I don't understand people who do things on weekends. You just did things all week. What's next, more things?? That's how they get you"
Via 6toedstripper

Those Were The Days

Funny tweet about one's fondest childhood memory being not having to go to work for 40 hours a week
Via Kingrablo

This Is Adulthood

Funny tweet about adult friends trying to make plans with one another
Via WanderingUterus