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It's 2016 and a University Decided to Welcome New Students With a Lip Dub to Smash Mouth's "All Star" Because Getting Moved In By Your Parents Wasn't Enough Embarrassment to Start the Year

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John Oliver Explains Trump's "Sarcasm"

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This Suicide Squad "Sales Pitch" Doesn't Make a Very Strong Case for the Movie

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If You've Ever Had Car Payment Problems, John Oliver is Here to Explain Why Auto Lending is Promblematic

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This Slow Motion Building Crash Shows That LEGO Fuel Can't Melt Plastic Beams

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Stranger Things Should Have Been an Always Sunny in Philadelphia Spinoff

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This News Anchor Lost a Bet and Had to Act out Everyone's Worst Nightmare

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Don't Forget to Keep Your Office Sweater Handy, Summer Is Women's Winter

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The Bootleg Subtitles From Star Wars: Episode Three Might Actually Be an Improvement on the Original Writing

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Some People Say Sassy Trump is Best Trump

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Kylo Ren is Doing Reaction Videos Now

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This News Piece Ends With Such Perfection That Even the Reporter Couldn't Handle It

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Try The Pokemon GO Helmet for Hands Free Pokemon Catching