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These Cosplaying Yip Yips Treated Convention Goers to the Most Amazing Elevator Ride

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Stephen Colbert Spends Some Time With the Queen of Crappy Robots

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Maybe Just Stick to Tea From Now On

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Flula Talks American Sports

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The Dos and Don'ts of Lightsaber Use

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Why It Would Be Terrible to Be a Poor Person in Any Disney Movie

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This Supercut Shows How Many Times Batman's Locked Lips with Someone

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Ten Pranks That Caused Mass Panic

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Batman Fans! Watch This Honest Trailer and Prepare Yourself for the Disappointment That Is 'The Killing Joke'

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Introducing People to a Tiny Puppy and Not Allowing Them to Pet Her Is Probably the Cruelest Prank of All

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This Gorgeous Pokemon GO Parody Will Remind You, Yet Again, to Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

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Barb Is Back on 'Stranger Things' and She's Really Bitter

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Demi Lovato Went Undercover as a Lyft Driver and Talked Sh*t About Herself

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Nick Offerman and FLOTUS Teach You the History of Exercise