
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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An Apple Engineer Gives the Inside Scoop on the New Macbook Pro and Dongles

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The Added Sound Is Everything in These Stories Made With Stock Footage Videos

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Okilly Dokilly, A Ned Flanders Themed Metal Band Just Released a Music Video

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Say What You Will About the New Macbook Pro but You Can Use the TouchBar to Put Nyan Cat on Your Computer Now

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Rick and Morty's Pass the Butter Robot is Real, and Naturally Miserable As Ever

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Reggie Watts Remixed Bacon Cooking Sounds into a Weird, Tasty Song

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Benedict Cumberbatch Acts out Mad Libs With Jimmy Fallon

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The First Few Minutes of This Video Suggest a Perfect Way to Troll Starbucks If You Hate Those Green Cups

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Watch a Vegetarian Eat Meat for the First Time in 22 Years

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Dana Carvey Does 17 Impressions in Two Minutes

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Are Smart Fish the Way of the Future?

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Behind the Shiny Veneer of Bojack Horseman Lies a Dark, Sad Philosophy on Life

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Conspiracy Theorist of the Day: Stephen Colbert Puts on the Tin Foil Hat and Heads into the Bunker

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People Are Stopping Time With the Mannequin Challenge

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Women Have a Special Message for Ivanka Trump

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This Man Does Not Use His Words of Power Responsibly While Shouting at the People of Costco