
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Seth Meyers Proposes the Recent Hamilton Fiasco Could've Been a Distraction Employed by Trump in Light of Bigger Scandalous Behavior

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This LEGO Stop Motion Recreation of Stranger Things Will Remind You Just How Great That Show Is


Now This is an Appealing Life Hack

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Bee Movie Is So Much Easier to Watch When It Speeds up Every Time They Say Bee

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Watch Billy on the Street Go Around New York Telling People That Seth Rogen is Dead, While Seth Rogen Films Their Reactions

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According to This Song, No Matter What Choices You Make, No One Can Save the Whales

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Alec Baldwin Revives His Role as Donald Trump After Recent Attack on Saturday Night Life

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How Dare You

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There's a Disturbing Trend in This Quiz About Which Celebrities Were Born in America and Which Were Not

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Watch John Oliver Take on All the Big Companies and Brands In This Hilarious Compilation

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A Film Theorist Explains Dr. Strange's Magic With Science

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Bart Gets the Remote in One of the Most Upsetting Couch Gags 'The Simpsons' Has Ever Done

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Watch Cartoon Trump and Putin Make Their First Official Joint Address on Colbert Show

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Stephen Colbert Delivers an Inspired Parody About the Newest Apple Product (A Book)

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It's a Good Thing Computers Don't Work in the Wizarding World Because Harry Potter Should Probably Stay off of Facebook

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Flying Wouldn't Be So Appealing If Airline Commercials Were Honest