
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Funny tweet about posting videos of fireworks from Fourth of July

It's True, No One Cares

Funny video of a trombone player sneezing into his instrument during a live performance

Guy Sneezes Into His Trombone During Live Performance

Video of people in all 50 states demonstrating their state's accent

50 People Hilariously Demonstrate Their State's Accent

Music video of Lil Nas X's new song "Panini"

Lil Nas X Just Released His New Song 'Panini' And We Can Already Tell It's A Bop

Video of a British TV host insulting an Italian chef's meal

Italian Chef Delivers Savage One-Liner After British TV Host Insults His Cooking

Funny video of comedian Matthew Broussard explaining how college is like a reality TV show

Comedian Hilariously Explains Why College Is Like A Reality TV Show

Video of a high school valedictorian giving a speech at graduation calling out various teachers for their negligence

High School Valedictorian Absolutely Destroys Her Awful Teachers In Graduation Speech

Funny 'Key & Peele' video showing sports commentators at a basketball game reporting honestly

This 'Key & Peele' Sketch Shows What Would Happen If Sports Commentators Were Being Totally Honest

Vidoe explaining why thanos actually won.

Watch: 'Screenrant' Gets Deep With This Argument That Thanos Actually Won 'Endgame'

Billy Ray Cyrus old town road country lil nas x lyrics funny memes rap music pop music Video - 8541701

12 'Old Town Road' Memes That'll inspire You To Ride 'Til You Can't No More

Thor marvel youtube australia science funny Video avengers - 97594369

Video: The 'How Ridiculous' Guys See If Thor's Hammer Can Smash A Diamond

Video of Lil Nas X surprising an elementary school and performing 'Old Town Road' at an assembly

Lil Nas X Surprising Elementary School Kids With 'Old Town Road' Is Heartwarming AF

Funny video of a weatherman losing his cool on live television

Weatherman Freaks Out On Live TV During Tornado Warning When Viewers Whine About Him Interrupting 'The Bachelorette'

Video of all the times a character screams "my leg" in Spongebob

Please Enjoy This Video Of All The Times Someone Screams 'MY LEG' In Spongebob

Video trailer for 'Toy Story 4'

Official 'Toy Story 4' Trailer Is Here And We Couldn't Be More Stoked

Video of the 'Game of Thrones' cast talking badly about the season 8 finale

'Game Of Thrones' Cast Talks Major Smack About The Series Finale In This Cringey Video