
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Math Nerds Unite in Wholesome Quest to Help Redditor Win Day off From Work

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Insufferable Humble Braggers Who Need Taking Down a Peg

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'Do people actually do this?': 25+ Surprising things that strangely actually happen IRL

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'The squatty potty truly changed my life': 30+ must-have purchases under $150 that are worth the hype

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Redditors Share the Most Useful Apps They Can’t Believe Are Still Free in Informative Thread

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20+ Wholesome Motivational Posts That Prove the Only Way Is Up

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Controlling Landlord Forces Tenant to do Laundry at The Same Time Every Week

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Pushy Grandparents Harass New Parents Until They Send Pictures of Their Newborn

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32 'Facts' That Used to be Taught in School that Have Since Been Debunked

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Parent Admits to Daughter-In-Law She Wasn’t Invited to Family Outing Because of Her Weight

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'People legit thought computers would end us': Older generations weigh in on what today's youngsters just don't get

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Shady IT Department Forces Applicants To Quit Their Current Jobs, Immediately Eliminates The Job They Applied For

'OP isn’t feeling 22': Swifties hilariously troll Redditor who 'doesn't understand the Taylor Swift phenomenon'

'OP isn’t feeling 22': Swifties hilariously troll Redditor who 'doesn't understand the Taylor Swift phenomenon'

'Praise the positive:' Internet pleasantly surprised with airline's unusual empathetic dealing with a customer sleeping 2+ hours past his flight

'Praise the positive:' Internet pleasantly surprised with airline's unusual empathetic dealing with a customer sleeping 2+ hours past his flight

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Company Cancels Job Interview Mid-Interview Because of Sudden 'Hiring Freeze,' Asks Interviewee to do Free Labor

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People Share 'Old People' Things They Hated as Children, But Love as Adults