
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Guy Describes Wacky Teenage Debacle That’s Straight Out Of An 80s Buddy Movie

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Dreadful Posts & Cursed Memes That Were Accidentally Funny

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Thoughtful Thread Points Out The Privileges Most Of Us Take For Granted

Cringey neckbeard messages, desperate guys, creepy guys | female wojak Asian/Eastern Western European girls Girls bad bitch, and think pretty, anon guess so such gentleman. know 50 feet pics.

Neckbeardy Memes & Moments That Reek Of Desperation

girl reaches out to ex boyfriend to check if he's fine after she gets in a new relationship

Guy's Cringey Ex Tries To 'Check Up' On Him When She Gets A New Boyfriend

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20+ Times Memers Had A Problem With The Names Of Things

Funny AskReddit thread about what naked people would do if they had to put out a fire or fend off a burglar | r/AskReddit posted by Nazamroth People who sleep naked is plan case fire or murderer? posted by sherminator19 Whip out my cocktail sausage make fire and/or burglar leave alone because guilt.

AskReddit Thread For Naked Sleepers Strikes Comedy Gold

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20+ Oddly Specific Ordinances and Little-Known Laws

Funny memes from the Star wars format "For the better, right" with Padme and Anakin, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, dank memes, random memes, relatable memes, healthcare

20 More 'For the Better, Right?' Memes 'Cause They're Absolutely Everywhere

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Jaw Dropping Thread Explains What It’s Like To Be Swallowed By A Whale

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People Who Angrily Upvoted Jokes So Dumb They're Actually Good

r/woosh, woosh, wooshed, jokes, fail, stupid people, dumb, memes, facebook fail, reddit, failbook, sarcasm, instagram, gullible, fail | InternetExplorer Yesterday at 10:49 pm s here 7946 SONY PLAY STAT IOn 3 AOXO 50 TRTIONn 3 80GB/80GO and 2.4K others 245 comments 792 shares Haha Comment Share Oldest 's ps3 | Cowboy Cow 0 475 41 Comments 173 Shares O Like Share Comment Thats fking horse

25 Times People Got Wooshed By Dumb Memes

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Redditor Describes Ex-Husband’s Jousting Horse Debacle

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All The Best ‘For The Better, Right?’ Memes

Creepy stories on Reddit that people couldn't explain | posted by KitKeating 1985. My ex wife and were sleeping. There small sliver light coming through window streetlight, so room and bed were dimly visible. Our black Pomeranian at end bed asleep dreamt woke up, reached down pet him, and he turned into glossy black bivalve/oyster thing which opened up reveal rows gleaming glass teeth woke up my ex backpedalling up

People Share Their Unsettling 'Glitch In The Matrix' Moments

Funny and clever roasts and comebacks | Isaac Haxton @ikepoker Woman front at airport security has bottle frozen water. They want take She says 's not liquid. No, no She's got point. | Natalie Shure @nataliesurely This must be looting everyone is talking about CNBCO @CNBC 6d American billionaires got $434 billion richer during pandemic 36qYKhm 6:25 AM 28 May 20 Twitter iPhone >

Masterful Comebacks That Deserve Our Praise