
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Worker Quits After Years of Inadequate Pay, Boss Offers to Double Salary on the Spot

People share dating deal breakers

'They don't initiate ANYTHING such as dates or intimacy': People Share Serious Dating Deal Breakers in Insightful Thread

Bad people from the r/iamatotalpieceofshit subreddit, funny, yikes, fail, cringe | Dear Waitress sorry, but won't be looking eye today, because then have endure nose piercing, and piercings on ears, and those giant hoops make look like central Africa circa 500 AD think look disgusting, and don't want see tattoos either. Why don't quit marking yourself up and piercing yourself as if have low self- esteem while trying disguise as some sort style is lowest class style can go my book. Just bring my

Bad People Who Could Use a Double Dose Of Karma

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Boss Rags On Employee for Wearing Shorts to Work, Malicious Compliance Ensues

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15+ Clueless Cringelords With Delusions of Grandeur

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'Weakest character who could survive watching the tape from 'The Ring:' The Ghost Busters, Danny Phantom, a D&D Character, who has the best chance and why?

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Cheater Leaves Wife To Marry Side Chick, Slams Brother For Joking About It In The Wedding Speech

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Brutal Burns From The Internet's Poets of Cruelty

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Mom Sparks Intense Debate After Being Forced to Choose Between Daughters

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Mostly-Fresh History Memes For Scholarly Scrollers

A compilation of funny memes about programming for programmers

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 2, 2022)

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Abusive Boss Gets a Taste of Her Own Medicine When Worker Quits Without Notice

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Male Living Spaces That Make Men Seem Like They Are Not OK

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Gamers Help Older Lady Choose First Game to Play in Wholesome Thread

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Douchebag Boss Gets Slammed for Firing Employee After Maternity Leave

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Lazy Employee Throws Fit When Coworker Refuses to Clock in Early