
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Revenge-Seeking Wife Crashes Husband's Family Dinner In Response to Constant Exclusion

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Employee Admonished For Extra Mileage Expenses, Decides To Take The Toll Route

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Snitch Gets Coworker Written-Up for Being Late, Coworker Gets Revenge by Arriving Early and Taking Snitch's Parking Spot

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A Thread of Hackneyed Jokes and Memes That Should Probably Go Extinct

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Creepy Dude Gets Slammed for Complaining About Teenager Rejecting Him

rare insults, youtube, witty comebacks, reddit, facebook, roasts, clever comebacks, memes | Chill Weeb 2 months ago bruh he look like breadstick going through goth phase 6.9K ?63 63 REPLIES | Replies 1 hour ago Kanye's brain has many tabs open 235 ?8

Roast Victims Who Were Destroyed in the Comments

Reddit thread where people debate which food is the most overrated

People Debate Which Food Is The Most Overrated

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Careless Boss Ruins Secret Santa Game After Forgetting to Buy Gift for Employee

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Dad's Seemingly Harmless Game of 'Elf on the Shelf' Quickly Turns Into Twisted Series of Traumatizing Pranks

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Rule-Breaking Rebels With Zero Respect for Authority

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Funny AITA Posts Written From the Perspective of Cats

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Neighbor Offends Grinchy Homeowners Association With Early Christmas Decorations

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Satisfying Times Clever People Trolled Phone Scammers

Reddit story about negligent parents trying to pawn off their children on a babysitter on Christmas day

Negligent Parents Try To Pawn Off Their Children Onto a Babysitter On Christmas Day

A Reddit Post about Racist job posting that demands applicants have grandparents born in the united states

Deranged Job Posting Demands Applicants Grandparents Must Be Born In United States

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Insufferable Designer Put In His Place For Belittling Junior Coworker