
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Frustrating Thread Reveals That Boomers Are Still Disgracefully Out of Touch

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Parents Demand Rent From Daughter After Siblings Complain That She Earns Too Much Money, She Moves Out

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People Discuss The Creepiest Personality Traits of All Time

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Dude Fired For 'Time Theft' After Taking Two Smoke Breaks Per 12-Hour Shift

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Scarred Hosts Recall The Worst Things Guests Have Ever Done In Their Home

Story about a worker who gets fired for saying no to boss when asked to come in for a shift he wasn't scheduled for

Employee Terminated For Refusing to Work When He Wasn't Scheduled

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Entitled Customer Complains About Being Shortchanged and Forfeits Getting Extra

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Annoying Customer Demands Refund for Bar Cover, Accidentally Snitches on Friends Who Got in for Free

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Restaurant Management Threatens To Write Up Waitstaff That Aren't Mentioned in 5-Star Reviews

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'They said I could consider myself fired': Retail Employee Faces Unfair Termination, Costs Store $30000 Through Malicious Compliance

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Strong Mother Stands Up to Teacher Who Tried to Make Her Daughter Babysit a 'Problem Child' on a Field Trip

'I've dedicated my life [to it]': Neopets enthusiast refuses to give her priceless account to her sick niece, BIL flips out and turns the family against her

'I've dedicated my life [to it]': Neopets enthusiast refuses to give her priceless account to her sick niece, BIL flips out and turns the family against her

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Professor Deducts 'Lateness' Points From Paper Submitted On Time

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'She's become like a third parent to the kids': Douchey Dad Hires Nanny, Gets Annoyed When She Does Her Job

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People Discuss Things They Dislike More As They Get Older

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Spicy wikiHow Memes From the Geniuses of Reddit