

Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Funny random memes, covid-free memes | MehGyver @AndrewNadeau0 [After leaving Willy Wonka's factory WIFE WIFE WIFE: Lot deaths LOT deaths tour! | IS TIME GO. Were good meme? wait im supposed ask guys NOO dancing pallbearers carrying the grim reaper in a coffin

Fifty Covid-Free Memes Because We've Had Enough

Find something new to meme.
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Definitely An Iron Fist

funny meme about a woman who rules mcdonalds with an iron fist, navy captain like its the navy
Via @memebase
Funny harry potter tweets, twitter memes, spicy tweets | Baegar Targaryen @TVsCarlKinsella NEVILLE shouldn't be doing this. HARRY: 420 points Splyffindor. NEVILLE don't want smoke ALBUS. Smoke Neville.

Nineteen Tweets That Add Some Spice To Harry Potter

The Potterverse, but sassy.
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funny plant memes dank memes stupid memes random memes gardening memes | All my friends are getting married and having kids while l'm over here like: | TWO KINDS PLANT PEOPLE THINK OMG, MY PLANT IS CAN DYING SAVE !

A Bunch Of Plant Memes For Flexers of Green Thumbs

Lucky you.
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funny random memes | official flag 2020 face mask | adam smoot @adamsmoot Mr Worldwide Shipping estou ouvir vozes @defrerico 3d jeff bezos is dangerously morphing into Pitbull

Thirty-Seven Memes To Aid In Procrastination

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funny random memes | 25 year old get old won't become one those cranky old bastards who hates youth Teens dancing and doing cringy lip synchs on TikTok Angry old man noices Clint Eastwood | Morning Arrives screaming monster

Mixed Bag Of Time-Wasting Memes

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
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US education system media 10% of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes brown cows Tony Stark Iron Man The Avengers
Via u/zakuria44

Every Time

funny meme about driving with wife who keeps gasping when you move at all almost causing crash jason momoa sneaking up on henry cavill
Via lilyloop
Funny and dank lord of the rings memes | Dwarves Moria calmly mining their mithril Balrog: Bonjour bear | CAN SEE refuse Wear Mask. THERE ARE MARKINGS S SOME FORM SELFISH. Frodo reading the writing on the ring

Twenty-Six Dank & Dumb Lord Of The Rings Memes

Memes to rule them all.
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funny random memes and tweets | No one: People wearing glasses with mask: TH E M IS T STORY BY STEPHEN KING | jon drake @DrakeGatsby think about mafia out context seems pretty childish s secret Seriously DON'T TELL ANYBODY or be big trouble No girls allowed Usually cool clubhouse is involved Spaghetti dinner everyday 7:19 AM 7/30/20 Twitter iPhone

Thirty-Nine Memes & Tweets For Your Entertainment Pleasure

You deserve 'em.
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Poor Karen

Funny meme about how karens think they're going to die from wearing a mask | Surgeons after wearing a mask for 12 hours straight Karens after wearing a mask for 5 minutes
Via u/tim13467

Gotta Lock It

funny meme about iphones family guy | Me: tilts my phone by 3 degrees My phone:
Via u/ongebruikt
Funny random memes, dank memes, funny tweets, twitter memes | quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog Sphinx black quartz, judge my vow Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs Boxers had zap gay jock love, quit women expanding galaxy brain | My plans 2020 American Pie

Thirty-Four Memes To Distract You From The Horrors Of Reality

You're welcome.
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That's Not How This Works

funny meme about when you make an excuse and your friend comes up with a solution Rose from 90 day fiance
Via u/babybluelemon

He's So Thoughtful

Funny meme about being broke and having a nigerian uncle, scammer, funny meme | Me struggling financially My Nigerian uncle Prince Wajibi
Via u/Larkeyyy
Funny relatable memes, ozzy osborne, dank memes, personally attacked, dark humor, comedy | talking sink full dirty dishes every night going bed. Fuck lot | morning: aborteddreams So nightmare begins again. rat smoking cigarette

Thirty-Three Memes That Just Hit Right

We feel these.
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