
Divorced parents team up to force 17-year-old son to support their new relationships, insisting he treats their partners like parents, son refuses to comply: ‘Now they're angry at me’

Divorced parents team up to force 17-year-old son to support their new relationships, insisting he treats their partners like parents, son refuses to comply: ‘Now they're angry at me’

Judgmental parents dish out unsolicited diet advice, get sharp, humorous response from daughter that ends in a family feud: ‘My mom tried to make it about me lacking accountability for my own weight’

Judgmental parents dish out unsolicited diet advice, get sharp, humorous response from daughter that ends in a family feud: ‘My mom tried to make it about me lacking accountability for my own weight’

‘Guests paying for their own food? Absolutely not’: Mother withholds wedding funds after daughter plans to make guests pay for their own rehearsal dinner

‘Guests paying for their own food? Absolutely not’: Mother withholds wedding funds after daughter plans to make guests pay for their own rehearsal dinner

Woman bans mother-in-law and brother-in-law from her home after a visit filled with insults and tears: ‘Spent the whole time insulting us, calling us fat, saying no one likes me, and that I’m going nowhere in life’

Woman bans mother-in-law and brother-in-law from her home after a visit filled with insults and tears: ‘Spent the whole time insulting us, calling us fat, saying no one likes me, and that I’m going nowhere in life’

68-year-old woman reunites with her bio family living across the globe, immediately guilted into caring for the mother who gave her away: ‘I don't t love her, don't feel any emotional connection to her’

68-year-old woman reunites with her bio family living across the globe, immediately guilted into caring for the mother who gave her away: ‘I don't love her, don't feel any emotional connection to her’

Babies, family drama, baby, mother, crazy things parents say, motherhood, parenting, dad, uncle, family, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, single mom, son, parents, Father

Single mom demands that her brother be the 'fun uncle' to her son, despite 2 paternal uncles offering to step up and do so: 'David needs all the support he can get since Bryan won’t be here'

  After months of working for their dad for free, 21-year-old gets an interview for a paying job, dad finds out and accuses them of betrayal: 'I need someone to work with me'

After months of working for their dad for free, 21-year-old gets an interview for a paying job, dad finds out and accuses them of betrayal: 'I need someone to work with me'

20-year-old woman refuses to give 18-year-old stepsister thousands from her late bio mom's inheritance after years of an intense sisterly feud: ‘I said no’

20-year-old woman refuses to lend 18-year-old stepsister thousands from her late bio mom's inheritance after years of an intense sisterly feud: ‘I said no’

Mother demands to “borrow” son’s car indefinitely because she doesn’t want to take the bus, involves the whole family when her son refuses: ‘I stood my ground and said I won’t give my car away’

Mother demands to “borrow” son’s car indefinitely because she doesn’t want to take the bus, involves the whole family when her son refuses: ‘I stood my ground and said I won’t give my car away’

Woman clashes with husband and sister-in-law over “men-only” trip that excludes her tomboy daughter from bonding with father, brother and cousin: ‘Sister-in-law said I’m being petty and controlling and ruining a good experience for the boys’

Woman clashes with husband and sister-in-law over “men-only” trip that excludes her tomboy daughter from bonding with father, brother and cousin: ‘Sister-in-law said I’m being petty and controlling and ruining a good experience for the boys’

‘He has lived with my parents his entire life and has always been a big spoiled brat’: 51-year-old Brother sparks inheritance feud after refusing to sell inherited family home and calls sibling selfish

‘He has lived with my parents his entire life and has always been a big spoiled brat’: 51-year-old Brother sparks inheritance feud after refusing to sell inherited family home and calls sibling selfish

family drama, mother, sibling rivalry, entree, sisters, siblings, dad, dinner, dessert, family, food, sibling, sister, family dinner, little sister, mom, Father

24-year-old woman walks out of family dinner after her 26-year-old sister berates her for ordering an entrée and a dessert: 'She called me a spoiled brat for wasting food and our father’s money'

Parents force 17-year-old son to attend family therapy with them, leading him to admit he doesn't think they are good parents, they take offense: ‘You went too far’

Parents force 17-year-old son to attend family therapy with them, leading him to admit he doesn't think they are good parents, they take offense: ‘You went too far’

34-year-old woman refuses to rekindle with bio-dad despite her mother’s overstepping efforts: ‘Why are you sending my wedding photos for people?”

34-year-old woman refuses to rekindle with bio-dad despite her mother’s overstepping efforts: ‘Why are you sending my wedding photos for people?”

coparenting, baby, ex girlfriend, mother, crazy things parents say, ex boyfriend, parenting, exes, dad, mom, Parenting Fail, son, Father, family drama, parents, Parenting FAILS

Baby mama insists that the father of her 5-year-old son take responsibility for the unborn baby she had with another man after badmouthing him for years: 'Her family said I had poor character and would not be a good influence on my son'

‘I’m officially done. My parents are cutting them off too’: 26-year-old woman cuts off dad-side of family following years of disregard, after grandmother, aunts, and cousin exclude her from girls' trip

‘I’m officially done. My parents are cutting them off too’: 26-year-old woman cuts off dad-side of family following years of disregard, after grandmother, aunts, and cousin exclude her from girls' trip