

Funny times old people failed at social media

Funny Posts From Old People Who Haven't Mastered Social Media

They're so special.
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Reddit story about negligent parents trying to pawn off their children on a babysitter on Christmas day

Negligent Parents Try To Pawn Off Their Children Onto a Babysitter On Christmas Day

Mother & father of the year
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Funny moments of kids being stupid

Entertaining Times Kids Were Adorably Stupid

Lots of parents like to brag about how smart their children are. These parents are all over Twitter, spouting dubious claims about their children's intelligence, their IQs, and even jotting down full quotes to impress netizens with their offspring. One of the best examples has got to be the one from @hinxminx, which before its deletion, read as follows: “'Everyone dies one day. Everyone. Even wolves. But not books. Not words. Words don't die.” - my son, 3, who is a lot smarter than I am ' Prett…
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spotify, spotify wrapped, spotify wrapped 2022, 2022, wrapped, lol, relatable, memes, playlist, music, genre, music taste, pumpkin spice, thunderstorm, asmr, box fan, 8hrs, 10hrs, white noise

'I've been listening to box fan podcasts for years': White Noise Sleep Playlists Are Ruining Everyone's 2022 Spotify Wrapped

ASMR probably doesn't fall under the category of “Pumpkin Spice” vibes
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Woman gets ex neighbor's car towed because they keep parking in her spot. | AITA having my ex neighbors car towed because they kept parking my spot 21F) live right on edge my cities downtown. Parking is scarce, or should say, FREE parking is scarce lived an old house converted into 8 apartment units, and had its own mini parking lot with 8 spots tenants had neighbor (F) who got job working nights few blocks away our apartment which worked out great because she could just walk work and didn't

Woman's Ex Neighbor Keeps Parking In Her Spot, Gets Their Car Towed

The parking drama never ends.
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A story about a weird mother telling Twitter that she forgot to throw out her kids Halloween candy and getting roasted over it

Cruel Mother "Forgets" To Throw Away Her Children's Halloween Candy, Get Roasted By Twitter

Twitter has a new main character this week, complete with a wild and unexpected backstory. I've found that most of the “Twiter Main Characters” tend to be parents who make mind-numbing decisions regarding raising their family. One of the most infamous of these characters is the Bean Dad, who sat idly by and watched his young daughter struggle to open a can of beans with a can opening for hours without helping her. Earlier this year, a parent described supporting their adopted kid's emotional ne…
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stupid, dumb, moron, lol, social media, ridiculous, wrong, confidentallyincorrect

Annoying Times People Were Undeservedly Smug

These are not the owns they think they are.
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Funny times people used AAVE wrong, cringe, yikes

Cringey Times People Failed Miserably At Using AAVE

Certain aspects of culture tend to seep into our brains. Over the past decade or so, especially thanks to hip-hop, rap, and Black Twitter , AAVE has definitely fallen into that category. Because of their prevalence, a lot of AAVE (African American Vernacular) has become slang. But not everybody is able to use it correctly. See, when clueless people use AAVE and related slang in order to be hip, it usually fails miserably. And when these attempts occur in public internet spaces, like Twitter, ch…
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work, raise, pay, employee, coworkers, manager, recruitment, fail, antiwork, salary

Worker Refused Full Pay Raise, Entire Department Finds Better Paid Jobs Elsewhere

Talk about a staffing crisis
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Funny tweets about fashion fails, fashion roasts, burns, savage, lol

Victims of the Fashion Police Share Funny Tales of Being Roasted

Fashion is funny. The other night at karaoke I saw two women dressed like a post-9/11 nightmare. Those child-proof bandanas you can tie. Their G-string thongs peeking from their heinously low-rise jeans. Baby-sized baby pink tees with Abercrombie logos. As a millennial who was denied all of these things by a strict mother , it brought back some serious feelings. Fashion choices, such as these, can inspire a lot of emotions and reactions. Anger. Sadness. And most hilariously, disgust and mockery…
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Funniest Hurricane Ian Memes for Your Average Florida Man (September 26, 2022)

Funniest Hurricane Ian Memes for Your Average Florida Man (September 26, 2022)

They aren't scared 'til it's a category 11
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Article Recapping Viral Twitter Thread Where Entrepreneur Told Teens To Knock On Strangers Doors For Career Advice

Entrepreneur Tells Teens to Knock on Rich Stranger's Doors to Advance Their Careers

Career advice can go wrong so quickly. On the one hand, there's your grandpa telling you to go to the office of your local Fortune 500 company, give the desk receptionist a firm handshake, and as for a job. On the other hand, LinkedIn influencers are infiltrating all corners of social media, giving inspirational speeches about how with a little bit of elbow grease, anyone has the potential to be mistreated by their boss. This case is a strange combination of the two; it's where boomer and influ…
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Funny failures, premature celebration, facepalm, didn't age well | Get party shoes on 2020 is going be great! 2020 Leap Year VALENTINES DAY IS FRIDAY CINCO DE MAYO IS ON TACO TUESDAY 4TH JULY IS SATURDAY HALLOWEEN IS SATURDAY CHRISTMAS IS FRIDAY NEW YEARS STARTS WITH 3-DAY WEEKEND | recently brought my attention if order on Door Dash then after go help" and say entire order missing, they'll give refund door dash credit Thank Jaden and Angie feeding my fatass twice today price one <3

Amusing Instances Of Premature Celebration

Better luck next time.
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30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

We're not equipped
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The Best (and the worst) Michael Jackson Hee-Hee Memes to Fuel Your Nightmares

The Best (and the worst) Michael Jackson Hee-Hee Memes to Fuel Your Nightmares

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Funny tweets about recruiters failing, bad recruiters, careless, cringe, fail, work, twitter

Embarrassingly Inept Recruiter Inspires Fail-Filled Twitter Thread

Recruiters probably help to match a lot of skilled people with quality vacancies. But they can be incredibly annoying and sometimes even straight up careless. They cold message you on LinkedIn , promising opportunities, pretending as though they're sending a genuine message rather than just filling in the blanks of a generic template. That kind of behavior has become expected – I don't even bother opening correspondence from people with a corporate headshot. We recently covered a man whose recr…
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