

Caturday is the natural conclusion that all cat owners eventually reach: Cats live everyday like it's Saturday.
Also a great excuse to share cat stuff online all weekend long.

Mom Gets a Bath

Cats Caturday cleaning gifs Image lick - 6216857856
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Cheezburger )

Darth Maul And His Cat

Cats Caturday gifs Image - 6210819328
Via Nina Dobrevs

Cat And Pony Show

Cats Caturday fun gifs horse Image pony - 6216515584
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via The Daily What )

Tony Stark Transformed Himself Into a Cat

Funny GIF of Tony Stark ala Robert Downey Jr. as a cat
Created by funkybash

How to Sleep With a Cat

anime Cats Caturday gifs Image sad but true - 6217217792
Via Okej

Jumping Cat in Slow Motion

Cats Caturday gifs Image jumping slow motion - 6217525504

Cat Spotter

Cats Caturday cool exercise gifs Image push ups - 6202205952

Mole And Cat

Cats Caturday gifs Image yikes - 6193996032
Created by TSGIGOR

Oh Weird, Me Too...

Cats Caturday gifs Image weird window - 6188901376

Action Cat

Caturday epic gifs Image jump slow motion - 6183867648

Wheat Grass is Good

Cats Caturday gifs Image nom nom nom - 6181020416
Via Meow Meow Maru

Bendy Foldy

bending Cats Caturday gifs Image - 6168491264
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via I Can Has Cheezburger )

Love This Juice

cat Caturday cute drinking gifs Image - 6188647168
Created by TSGIGOR ( Via Liveleak )

Sup, Lemme In

awesome Cats Caturday gifs Image sup - 5167594752
Created by jyonasan1957

Lion Attempting to Eat Zebra Baby as a Metaphor For The Inevitable Collapse of Civilization

Caturday gifs glass Image kids lion sad but true zebra - 6188353280

I Said You Could Eat at My House

Caturday dogs eating gifs Image lol Sundog - 6181403648

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