

Caturday is the natural conclusion that all cat owners eventually reach: Cats live everyday like it's Saturday.
Also a great excuse to share cat stuff online all weekend long.

Tomato Thief

Cats Caturday gifs Image nom nom nom thief - 6253097216
Created by _C_A_T_

Señor Gif: Kitty Cuddles to the Rescue

Cats Caturday cute gifs hug Image Memes - 6256766464
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Cheezburger )

Side Stepping Cat

Cats Caturday gifs Image weird wtf - 6250336512

Pee Like a Man!

Cats Caturday gifs Image ok pee wtf - 6232824832
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via I Can Has Cheezburger )

Hey Dog Out of The Way It's Caturday

Animal Bomb Cats Caturday dogs Image photobomb - 6217318912


avengers cartoons Cats Caturday gifs Image - 6240848640

I'm Trippin Here

Cats Caturday gifs Image laser pointer - 6190623488

Prolonged Cat Fail

Cats Caturday FAIL fall gifs Image lol - 6230851072

Kitten Wants to Save Friend

box Cats Caturday friend gifs help Image kitten save - 6236300032
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via I Can Has Cheezburger )

He Enjoys This a Little Too Much

Cats Caturday gifs Image pleasure vacuum - 6238189056

Cat REALLY Wants Some Pizza

Cats Caturday cheese danger gifs Image pizza - 6236602880
Created by _C_A_T_

Classic Troll Cat, Classic

Cats Caturday gifs Image lol trolling - 6234043648

Cat Car

box Cats Caturday gifs Image lol - 6240179456
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via I Can Has Cheezburger )

Cat Takes Down a Corgi

Cats Caturday corgi critters dogs gifs Image Sundog - 6234668032

Kitty Tetherball

Cats Caturday gifs Image - 6203098112
Created by _C_A_T_

Cat vs. Razor

Cats Caturday gifs Image - 6203437568
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Cheezburger )