

You Wouldn't Get This From Any Other Guy

Funny fake sign urging voters to vote for Rick Astley for prime minister
Via ShawnicHedgehog

You Don't Really Need To Watch It

Caption that reads, "When you rewatch Infinity War and see all the scenes that became a meme" above a still of Will Smith from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air taking pictures out of a taxi
Via BalloonBoy1839
Funny announcement for bill and ted 3 face the music, keanu reeves, alex winter.

Keanu Reeves & Alex Winter Announce 'Bill & Ted 3: Face The Music'

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nostalgic memes and pics

48 Nostalgia-Filled Memes And Pics That Will Give Any Millennial The Feels

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It's True

Caption that reads, "Songs that never fail to make white people beyond turnt" above a list of common classic rock songs like Bohemian Rhapsody
Via whiskeyandwhimsy

Those Mullets Were Fire

Caption that reads, "People who say Millennials look stupid also went around thinking this was cool. Just remember that" above pics of people from the '80s with ridiculous haircuts and clothes
Via sadavocado
nostalgic memes and pics

16 Old-School Pics That'll Have You Reeling In The Years

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cover image about a persons heartbeat changing when they hear queen

15 Epic Queen Memes That'll Make You Want To Ride Your Bicycle

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cover image about queens the invisible man when turning on incognito mode

'I'm The Invisible Man' Memes Make Fun Of The Stealthy

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What Are You Looking At, Butthead?

Tweet that reads, "Politics aside, this is just a brilliant catch" above a pic of Donald Trump and three other people looking like a scene from Back to the Future of Biff Tannen and three of his friends
Via FishMarshall
80s music trending memes 80s know your meme 1980s funny memes lactose intolerant - 6992901

'The Distance Between' Memes Show Just How Fragile Our Claims Can Be

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nostalgic memes

15 Nostalgic Pics And Memes To Take You Back To The Good Ol' Days

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They've Got Fun And Games

Caption that reads, "Guns n Roses have really toned it down" above a sign that reads, "Welcome to the garden - please respect the rules" above some made-up lyrics from 'Welcome to the Jungle'
Via TachyonicParticles
sentimental memes

24 Sentimental Memes To Remind You Of The Good Ol' Days

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Lemme TELL You

Caption that reads, "Me giving relationship advice to my friends while I'm the most single person ever" above a pic of Fran from The Nanny saying "Honey, let me impart some wisdom on you"
Via anlyin

'Airplane' Jokes Will Never Get Old

Scene from the movie 'Airplane' where a woman asks a man if he's nervous, and if it's his first time; he replies that he is nervous, and that's he's been nervous many times before
Via yoboithememegod