Señor GIF


Soccer. Not to be mistaken with football or any other random ball sports. A gentleman's sport full of goals dips dives cries and whistles. If you dream to bend it like Beckham, then get a laugh at these hilarious soccer jokes and puns.

What an Impressive Goalie

dogs sports gifs critters soccer goalies - 8563854848

A Head Above The Competition

competition epic gifs Image soccer sports - 6408500736
Created by Iron-man01

The Best Goalie of All Time

dogs gifs beagles soccer goalies - 8218061312

Standing Trick Shot

sports mindwarp gifs trick shot soccer - 8118217216
Created by ToolBee


football futbol Image sniper soccer sports world cup - 3659781376

Soccer Players Never Fake Their Injuries, Bud

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FIFA 14 is a Flawless Videogame

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Persistence Scores!

sports gifs goals soccer win - 7370169856
Created by ToolBee

Stop Monkeying Around on The Soccer Field

Via Bing

Smooth Move, Guy

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This Goal Keeper Earned Their Title

sports gifs soccer amazing goalies - 8189995264
Created by anselmbe

Soccer Boss

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Created by Asciicodeplus

This Seems Like Cheating

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Created by ToolBee

Corner Flag Kick

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Created by Unknown

Puppies Playing Soccer

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Worst Soccer Penalty Kick

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