Señor GIF


The Hour Before a Paper is Due

school animation papers funny - 7705756416
Created by meganeguard ( Via Lunatic Toons )

School Rage

backpack gifs ouch rage school throwing - 5277441024

You've Been Erased

gifs ouch rage school teacher - 6152194048


Funny gif of man climbing a slide and saying he has bad grades.
Created by PhotoshopMemes ( Via GIF )

The Most Accurate Reality For Graduates

school FAIL gifs sad but true fall - 7022529536

Kid Suffers a Double Fail

ouch school FAIL gifs pranks - 8443994880

Physics Fail

ouch physics school FAIL gifs - 8517860864

Bus in The Classroom

school wtf gifs - 6773166336

That Moment When The Teacher Says There Was Homework

yikes fear school gifs emotions - 7073913088

School is Important

Via Bing

Going to School the Best Way

bus gifs school sleds snow win - 5869262592

How Everyone Acts After Graduation

school gifs - 7872886272
Created by Canada714

Sneaking in a Quick Twerk Session While in Class!

dancing twerk school gifs - 8564858368
Created by MarcusLeary

Very Subtle

school gifs math - 6825684736
Created by meganeguard ( Via Bent Knees Gappy Teeth )

When I'm Watching an Awful Play at School

school Morgan Freeman funny falling asleep - 7634058752
Created by LeionKeY

Clever Boy

class gifs Pranks for the Memories sad but true school sexy - 5209241856
Created by Unknown
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