Señor GIF


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Not What I Expected When Ordering Chow-Mein

gifs puppies puns funny - 7538075648

Lounge Lizard

chair critters cute gifs Image lizard puns sitting - 6433965056
Via Queen A

Grand Theft Auto V Features A Lot of Mime And Punishment

gifs punching GTA V puns Videogames Grand Theft Auto - 7802224896
Via Game Trailers Official

Eye See What You Did There

gifs Image Movies and TV puns three stooges wtf - 5559462144
Created by Biggestlittlebrony

A Psyber Punk Classic

the matrix gifs puns psy - 8279593728
Via Bing

Knights to See You

FAIL falling gifs horse Image knights ouch puns - 5440444672
Via Video Thunder

Ice To See You Fail

ouch FAIL gifs puns ice - 6751905280

Oh, Hello I Bear-ly Notice You

bears critters cute gifs Image puns waving - 5553296896
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )

Two Fire Trucks

yikes gifs fire puns trucks - 8200808448
Created by ToolBee

Deer, That was a Close Call

cars close call deer gifs Image mindwarp puns timing yikes - 5842322688
Created by TSGIGOR ( Via )

Frame of Mind

frames mindwarp gifs puns emotions funny - 6020124160
Created by _C_A_T_

Belting It

FAIL gifs Image ouch puns wood - 5303828480

Turn Out, Pussies Really Do Like Ice Skating

Cats Caturday gifs ice skating Image jk puns - 5505172736

Beauty and The Beast

animation disney gifs Image puns wtf yikes - 5732604160

Fish Food

best of week Cats Caturday fish food gifs Image puns wtf - 5273539584

Putting Out Fire Sucks

gifs fire puns vacuums - 7121777152