Señor GIF


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Bear Naked Dancing

bear critters dancing gifs Image puns win - 6072663552
Created by TSGIGOR

Bringing Down The House

dancing FAIL gifs Image puns wedding - 5365155328

Serious Hot Pants

awesome FAIL fire gifs Image puns skateboarding - 5452132096

A Moist Owlet

critters gifs puns owls - 8116229888
Via Black Caliente

My Favorite Magician

magic puns mammaries tricks gifs Image - 6681472000

This Monkey is Tired of Your Inability to Take Things Seriously

gifs drunk puns monkey - 7231352320


dracula gifs Movies and TV puns scrubs text TV wtf - 4176823296

Goat Never Tires of This Diet

gifs goats puns critters tire tires - 8517859584

Eye See What You Did There

gifs Image Movies and TV puns three stooges wtf - 5559462144
Created by Biggestlittlebrony

The Silent Killer

metal gear solid gifs puns boxing - 8560422912
Via Senor GIF

Don't Honk In Russia, You'll Be Axing For Trouble

axe FAIL gifs Image puns russia traffic yikes - 6044736256
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Failblog )

Out Of This World Hair

hair gifs puns funny space - 7649430784

You Gotta Point

celeb gifs Image puns techno viking - 6305905408
Created by bmxpro

This Squirrel is Nuts

yikes crazy eagle gifs squirrel puns - 6919266816
Created by TSGIGOR ( Via Youtube )

A Math Lesson With a Memeing

gifs circles puns Memes math - 8439476736
Created by anselmbe

The Trolls Are Coming

gandalf gifs Image Lord of the Rings Movies and TV puns trolls yikes - 6227410176
Created by sora205

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