Señor GIF


Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

Watch Out For the Lava

Cats Caturday gifs Image jumping tiles - 5016225536
Created by Zaar150

Cool Backyard, Bro

epic gifs bikes ramps win jumping - 7346549248

Almost Made It

ouch FAIL gifs cars funny jumping - 7806712064

Leap of Faith Fail

close FAIL gifs Image jumping water - 5805467648
Created by TSGIGOR ( Via )

Hitchhikers Are Getting Aggressive

yikes wtf gifs cars jumping - 8446294016
Created by anselmbe

I Must Go My People Need Me!

critters dogs field gifs i must go my planet needs i must go my planet needs me Image jumping - 6358634240
Created by Iron-man01

Jump Off a Bridge Onto a Boat

gifs win jumping boats - 8034166016
Via Youtube


critters cute gifs jumping lamb - 4771036928


FAIL gifs jumping nuts ouch parkour - 4792079360
Created by melolonta

Epic Trampoline Skills

epic gifs Image jumping trampoline walls win - 5307132160
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )

One Excited Chinchilla

gifs funny chinchilla jumping - 7710198272


skateboarding gifs cars jumping - 8200798976
Created by ToolBee

Jumping Over a Golf Cart Fail

gif of man attempting to jump over a golf cart and getting his pants caught on the way
Created by TSGIGOR

Highway Olympics Gold Medal

GIF of a deer jumping right over the hood of a speeding car on the highway, without anyone or anything getting hurt or damaged.
Created by beernbiccies

Safety Jump

gifs jumping race cars - 7945241344
Created by ToolBee

Semi Truck Soaring Through The Sky

gifs semi trucks flying jumping - 7963790848