Señor GIF



crash FAIL gifs new york police roads - 4853560320
Via Youtube

A Drunk Driver Crashes Into a Cop Who Pulled Over Another Drunk Driver

epic FAIL gifs cars idiots crash police - 7016977152

Driving in Chechnya

close call crash driving FAIL gifs whoa wtf yikes - 5742087936

Double Dash-Cam Crash

FAIL gifs crash dash cam - 6711734016
Created by ToolBee

The Delivery Scooter That Couldn't

crash FAIL gifs yikes - 5426500608
Created by jaspuri

Wanna Go For a Ride?

bus crash FAIL gifs wtf yikes - 6433452288
Created by Asciicodeplus

Silly Bike Crash

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Did I Do That?

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Move Out of the Way

Black and white gif of an Air France airliner snag a much smaller airplane and spin it around.

Got Him

crash FAIL gifs pay attention - 5430150656
Created by Vinícius Dotto

That's Not How You Get Gas

crash FAIL fire gas station gifs idiot - 6009658880

Roll With The Crashes

crash FAIL gifs yikes - 6417373952

Door Gets What It Deserves

crash doors gifs Movies and TV wtf - 6236946432
Via Movie Sludge

Spinning Segway Crash

FAIL gifs segway crash fall - 7027002112

Infrared Camera Captures a Car Crash

racing FAIL gifs cars crash funny - 7790669824


crash FAIL gifs ouch parking russia - 4962726656