Rage Comics

troll dad

Sucky Vacuum

Rage Comics son troll dad ugh vacuum - 4774404608

I Can't Take Forever, the Water's Cold!

Rage Comics shower troll dad wtf - 6001054720
Created by lolcactus

Check for Holes Before You Wrap Your Pole

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You'll Feel Gross When You're Older

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Maybe She... Oh, I Dunno... Has Her Phone on Mute?

sisters troll dad parenting sir - 7843077632

Welcome to Sole Custody

booze parenting Rage Comics troll dad - 6400948480

Never Again Will I Play

parenting troll dad that sounds naughty oh god why - 6694037504
Created by tacosrepic

The Most Embarrassing Thing Ever in Junior High

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Created by ragingbrony

The Son I Always Wanted

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Want a Bite, Son?

fu guy ice cream Rage Comics troll dad - 5840651264

Whoa, What a Revelation!

Rage Comics television troll dad wtf - 5118071296

Not In a Million Years

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He Had to Call His Other Girl

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Mind the Whine

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Created by ToySoulja

On Second Thought, You Should Probably Get a Wheelbarrow

Rage Comics singing troll dad - 6235438336

Eat Your Veggies!

Challenge Accepted parenting Rage Comics troll dad - 6349939968
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