
Soccer. Not to be mistaken with football or any other random ball sports. A gentleman's sport full of goals dips dives cries and whistles. If you dream to bend it like Beckham, then get a laugh at these hilarious soccer jokes and puns.

gym class goal soccer - 8585675520

Gym Class

kick Rage Comics so close soccer - 5548118784

I'm All Left Feet

haters gonna hate kick Rage Comics rock soccer - 6277842944


balls fu guy Rage Comics soccer troll - 4871886336

No Big Deal, I Handle Balls Well

science trolling soccer - 8157264384

How I Trolled My Soccer Coach

weather sweet jesus dat feel soccer rain - 8429522944

Sweet, Sweet Rain

forever alone soccer - 6588741888

Goalkeepers Know That Feel

rage trollface kids soccer - 8040403456

Do You Think This is a Game?