Rage Comics

computer guy

Every. Single. Time.

homework rage trollface meta procrastinating computer guy - 8139550720

That "I Forgot I Had Class 10 Minutes Ago" Feel

classes college computer guy - 7728020992

Careful What You Read

nothing to do here so close okay guy faith in humanity restored oh god why Okay computer guy - 7755285504
Created by joedarocka

...Don't Machine Wash it Either, But DEFINITELY No Drycleaning

computer guy ebay - 8106425856

Who Would Have Thought That a Game Called "Kerbal Space Program" Would Have Math in It?

math computer guy - 7784321536
Created by TheAnonymousVipar


projects rage computer guy - 8013481984

This is My Life

computer guy productivity spring seasons - 8198964480
Created by 0_pez_0

Why Do You Toy With My Emotions, Facebook?

forever alone rage trollface notifications facebook computer guy - 8016853504

Me on Facebook

facebook crush computer guy - 8249348864
Created by Oscaror

The Internet Will Have to Wait

moms cookies computer guy - 7969490688
Created by thebloss

WebMD Strikes Again

webmd adopted sick computer guy - 7558253312
Created by BWFV1994

What Have You Been Doing All This Time?

waiting friends computer guy - 7881997824
Created by Slashy55

Not Very!

bosses video games computer guy - 7762838272

My Grandparents Probably Have It Too

GTA V Grand Theft Auto video games computer guy - 7830643712
Created by CSnipez45

U Mad, Zombies?

rage lamp Memes lol zombie computer guy - 8106237440
Created by Sam58013

How I Died

apocalypse meme zombie Okay remote control computer guy - 8112324608
Created by scampster401