Rage Comics

computer guy

A Pyrrhic Victory!

solitaire high score computer guy - 8062141696
Created by LonePaladin

I'm Sick of Squatting

funny computer guy - 7521957376

Come On, Step it Up!

computer guy comments table flipping - 7938701568

Who Else Does This?

smell fart computer guy - 8446868992

I'm Waiting...

grades computer guy - 7964100096

The Reason I'm Inside

forever alone moms parenting computer guy - 7638779136


bing computer guy - 6542107136
Created by CompanionAce

Served Me Right

computer guy neighbors sleep - 8087829248
Created by RobensonCaetanoDaSilva

That WAS My Favorite Song

Songs Music computer guy - 6541812992

And That's Why I Made This

all the things Challenge Accepted computer guy meta - 7979115008
Created by TheRealTonyStark

This is Why I Like Disc Copies of Games

steam computer games video games computer guy - 7884652800
Created by BeanBuster

Forever Alone

forever alone rage downvote meta computer guy - 8034718976
Created by VoidDrop

A Slave to Technology

summer technology computer guy vacation - 8217107712
Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams

I've Already Waited So Long...

computer guy downloads - 7840262912
Created by xX_TrollFace_Xx

We All Know This Feel

computer guy rage passwords - 8031063808

Lookie Here!

pink floyd thumbs up computer guy - 7831264768