

Funny and interesting English language moments | ace-nyctophyle any noun can become verb if don't care enough yupokaysuremhm This point is invalid unless use an example sentence ace-nyctophyle CAN SENTENCE WANT THANK yupokaysuremhm BEAUTIFUL mysterytinyfox see thats why love english ailithnight like velociraptor around my house at 2 morning. ace-nyctophyle GOOD not--be--tea-but-brit My headache makes want clothesline into wall enquires-state-building why do these make some semblance sense 9

Fun and Frustration with The English Language

It's a weird language.
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cracked video about the phenomena of finding porn magazines in the woods | buy a stack of playboys wander the woods and forests of this great country drop them for children to find

The Secret Rite Of Passage Only Known To People Born Before 1990

What a ride.
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A creepy Tumblr post about a house guest discovering a hidden staircase | stephrc79 So l'm staying at friend's house Boston And their guest room is door. There are STAIRS closet! Now where do those stairs go may ask?

Tumblr Post: House Guest Discovers Secret Staircase

Good old Boston architecture.
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close calls and times people dodged a bullet

The Largest Bullets People Dodged

Life is a series of close calls.
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strange and stupid things people posted for sale online | Peloton Bike $2,499 stationary bike with a tv screen taped to it | Thor's Hammer $8,000,000 weight with a handle

Weird and Ridiculous Junk People Tried Selling Online

One man's trash is another man's garbage.
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I Want to Pound Your Colon

britain double meaning literalism threat weird wtf - 4706690560

File Under: WTF?

comic doodle double meaning into literalism lolwut weird - 5250582784
Created by drassher
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