

Twitter thread 6 month wall of pandemic | Dr Aisha Ahmad @ProfAishaAhmad 6 month mark any sustained crisis is always difficult have all adjusted this "new normal but might now feel like running out steam. Yet, at best are only 1/3 way through this marathon can keep going? THREAD /x

Twitter Thread: Mentally Dealing with 6 Months of Global Crisis

Weird times, man.
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A Classic

dogs twitter puns funny - 7517222400

Who the F&@# is Bonny Bear??

bear confused Hall of Fame misinterpretation similar sounding twitter - 5834445568
Via A.S.B.
Twitter thread on canned chicken and English and American food | Francisco Garcia @Ffranciscodgf Always mad Americans talk down British food because don't do fluffernutters just right like their mommy does, yet this is normal and also somehow legal them kitchens Sweet Sue Canned Whole Chicken PLE FAL HOME ST GOOD Fully Cooked

Cultures Clash In Canned Chicken Thread

Goodbye food pyramid, hello food cylinder.
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A woman shares various overheards from her medical student husband | insert Dolly emoji here BuhRooklynne KID TOY light turns read, talk into speaker turn into song! Okay, Go! HUSBAND: GYNOCOMASTIA

Wife's Overheards Of Medical Student Husband

Always something new with a medical student.
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comebacks | tweet by abby @abbypauline been 7 car accidents this year, y'all can't tell God doesr have plan senpai @jasminsenju Girl sound like he tryna kill u

Clever Comebacks That Deserve A Plaque For Their Spice

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Funny tweets, relatable tweets, random tweets, twitter memes, comedy, comic, parenting, dating | logan @brainwxrms IOVA imagine being girl and having keep an extra pair underwear ur car just case some dude revs his truck up at stop light

29 Clever & Relatable Tweets For Short Attention Spans

Short and sweet, baby.
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Sometimes You See a Headline Opportunity and You Just Have to Pun With It

excellent banana pun headline
Via theheraldsun
Hilarious tweets from a pug

Doug The Pug Tweets His Daily Life Adventures And They're Hilarious

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Infuriatingly bad puns that are just dad jokes

15 Dad Joke Tweets To Make You Laugh And Facepalm In Unison

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Magic Wand: Casting Agent?

twitter Harry Potter puns funny - 7654829056
Via nowwearealltom
Funny photoshop trolls from james fridman

19 Epic Photoshop Trolls From The Legendary James Fridman

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Funny couples costume ideas from Twitter.

18 Hilarious Couples Costume Tweets That'll Leave You Inspired

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Funny Memes, Dank Memes, Random Memes, 2020 Memes, Animal Memes, Funny Tweets | Google Map said would reach there 15 mins and reach 14 mins. fast furious | should be out killin' but they dropping fire memes group chat IG davie_dave

A Chaotic Collection Of 40 Spicy Memes

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Dad quotes on Twitter that are cheesy on the humor and full of cringe.

48 Dad Quotes That'll Make You Instantly Facepalm

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memes that are puns which are basically just medium grade dad jokes

27 Hilariously Dumb Moments That Are Literally Not Wrong

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