

A Flock of Segels

surname similar sounding homophone - 7018291712
Created by merebitch

S/he Must Feel Very Liberated!

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Via Tastefully Offensive

GameFAQs' E3 Recap

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Via GameFAQs

Best Answer? BEST ANSWER!

fine Hall of Fame homophone homophones literalism man Pronunciation surname - 6245355776


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It's Kanye or the Highway

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Hanksy's Marty McFly

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Via The Daily What


Horatio Cane - Cartoon - The Apple CEO has just resigned! It looks like Apple.. Well. will be out of Jobs... YEEAAAAH SO MUCH PUN.COM

It's Funny Because Usually Only Rednecks Like Crappy Country Music

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Created by JanosP

Cruise Control

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Created by JanosP

More like NO'Reilly AMIRITE?

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Created by dojndcat

He's An Ambi-Roundhousekicker!

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Created by blobface007

And His Attorney's Name is Harold Balsagna

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Created by Bob Shawn

Admit it, You've Had This Thought a Dozen Times

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Created by Sofa-Knee ( Via Sofa Knee )

David Guetta's Poorer Incarnation

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Created by CyCo

Sarah Jessica Parkour

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Created by xyzpdq1