
similar sounding

What's with Owl the Fuss?

Horatio Cane - Cartoon - I guess you could say that this bird... 23 n23 ow GETS STUCK IN CAR GRILL OWL GETS STUCK IN CAR GRILL FLORIDA YEEAAAAH |...got owl up in her grill. SO MUCH PUN.COM
Created by YJCH0I

His Ex Got Impaled? Haddaway to Go!

Haddaway Hall of Fame Image literalism lyrics similar sounding song - 5812120320
Via Vlad the Impale Her

You Were SO CLOSE to Getting it Right...

bison brand FAIL Image literalism misinterpretation similar sounding - 5534950400
Created by mattbcha1

He Has a Very Thor-ough Resume

Hall of Fame homophones Image marvel prefix similar sounding The Avengers Thor - 6332214784
Via The Meta Picture


Image khan literalism similar sounding Star Trek - 5597019904
Via A.S.B.

William Snakespeare

Hall of Fame Image juxtaposition literalism prefix shakespeare shoop similar sounding snake william shakespeare pun - 5684595712

It Takes Three Episodes to Fire but BOY is it Ever Worth It!

shoop similar sounding dragonball z - 7127669504


bird homophone Image literalism parakeet pear photoshop prefix similar sounding voting-page - 4604472320
Created by sinajax ( Via www.humandescent.com )

Meowa Culpa!

came cliché idiom Image lolcats saw similar sounding - 6510516480
Created by chech1965

That Doesn't Sound Gouda...

cheese variations on a theme similar sounding grate - 7140502016
Via Plus5mace


after before Hall of Fame homophones Image literalism shoop similar sounding - 5472335360

And You Thought the Animal Puns Were at Their End

conversation elephant giraffes homophones Image koala lion literalism similar sounding - 6262784768
Created by LimeKitten

When They Start to Lumber Toward You, RUN!

dead Image literalism similar sounding walking The Walking Dead - 5531281664

Ba-Dum Chk!

allies Image iron man marvel similar sounding - 6594778880
Created by DJNightmar3


similar sounding apple sewing - 6729147904
Created by Sexcalibure
food Hall of Fame homophone homophones hunting literalism puns similar sounding store Video - 34397185

VIDEO: Pun Hunting at the Grocery Store

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