
similar sounding

This Theory Lent Credence Thanks to Monty Python

came camelot Hall of Fame Image innuendo pr0n similar sounding - 6014084096
Via Reddit

That's a Pretty Fascinating Number!

german Hall of Fame Image nein nine no similar sounding - 6221613056
Created by Unknown


color dyslexia dyslexic Hall of Fame Image letters literalism Magneto power similar sounding x men - 4864343296


Image lolwut Movie names pet pets rock similar sounding terrible the ramones - 5303950848

I C What U Did There

elements similar sounding serious business - 6722767360

Fairever Alone

ferris wheel forever alone Image meme no ride sign similar sounding single - 5110595584
Created by Mitch_Mey-ster

Doctor Who Better Ties the Room Together?

gifs David Tennant tent mat similar sounding Matt Smith literalism doctor who - 6895043840

This Whole Situation is a Total...

duck ducks Image literalism similar sounding - 4763677184
Created by its_erik

And I Thought My Catnip Smuggling Ring Was Gonna Be the Purrfect Crime!

Hall of Fame Image kitten letter me meme meow out similar sounding t - 6363150080
Created by Dan21

Call it a Mewtiny

cat out me similar sounding Pirate meow - 7078227712

More like NO'Reilly AMIRITE?

Image meme orly Owl side by side similar sounding surname - 6299934720
Created by dojndcat

He Accordionly Comes Out at Night

Weird Al Yankovic Hall of Fame Image literalism lolwut Owl shoop similar sounding - 5152647424
Created by AmyOMG

I Love it When... a Flan Comes Together

famous flan Image plan quote rhyming similar sounding - 5511342336
Created by Richdog

Give Me Beans, Give Me Tacos, Give Me Gringos, Give Me Paco!

Hall of Fame Image juan lolwut metallica name one similar sounding sombrero song title - 6001942016
Created by TomDoody

Pupper Soul

dogs g Hall of Fame Image letter literalism logo replacement similar sounding t the Beatles - 6212349952

The Perfect Place to Go For All Your Blue-Footed Booby Needs

birds double meaning groan-inducing Hall of Fame Image similar sounding text message texting - 5665478400
Created by G.S.