

Four Wheel Drive Didn't Seem So Important Anymore

pun - 7736328192

Makes It Wayne Everyday

batman pun Fan Art - 7954986496
Via m7781

Down in the Dumps Furniture

chair pun mattress - 7766003712
pun poem variations on a theme Video - 42977793


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Only Small Jobs Allowed

jobs pun print - 7765945088


pun raccoon - 3503579136
Created by Joanna

It Runs on Green Fuel

pun - 7781365248
See all captions Created by echeg5
ocean prefix pun sea theme Video water - 36971009

Songs to Wear Pants to Goes Punder the Sea

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Everypony MUST Recognize it NOW!

pun twilight sparkle - 7959283456
Created by Zombie_Dowlphin

Friendzone, Level Lightbulb

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I Was Expecting a Different Captain's Log Pun

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He'll Get Battered In Jail Though!

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Which Way to the Shrimp Cocktail?

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Ai gotz an Ocelot a Flaver!

pun - 7754323456
See all captions Created by Greencliff

He's Dancing Like He Never Danced Before

pun - 7954905344
Created by CartoonNick3

Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap? Well, why buy a pig for 4 1/2 inches of sausage?

cow pun wedding - 6556540160
See all captions Created by LaurelPlane
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