


boo carp crap dyslexia fish Hall of Fame letter surprise switching - 4843247872

It's Your Go-To Guide for Morning CARRRRdio

difference Hall of Fame Johnny Depp letter literalism pirates Pirates of the Caribbean replacement similar sounding - 4721085952
Created by JakeLim

Cool Slogan, Bro

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Created by tonis

Fixed It!

letter literalism missing stairs stars - 6068479232
Created by xyzpdq1

I Was Framed!

double meaning exclamation framed I letter literalism - 6172273408
Created by Hyper.Threaded


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cute ducks letter puns - 3636127232
Created by Ducky Dee

The Real Reason I Love Strip Clubs

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Via Punblr


letter literalism pattern similar sounding tape - 5251724544

Scary Lobsters And Nice Shrimp

double meaning letter literalism replacement skrillex - 5844487680
Via Reddit

Same Thing, Really

comma letter mr t prefix rolling similar sounding trolling - 5401563392

Pupper Soul

dogs g Hall of Fame letter literalism logo replacement similar sounding t the Beatles - 6212349952

Thanks for That, Mom.

trolling letter literalism tea cup homophone t - 6983759104
Via NikNaks Blog

A Capital Contradiction

ä capital double meaning Hall of Fame letter literalism - 5225142784
Created by Unknown

It's a Good Letter

Hall of Fame letter lolwut Pirate sound - 5130939648
Created by xyzpdq1

Only Made for Cuban Puns

cube homophones letter similar sounding - 5825753856
Created by butactually
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