
Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

I Bet it's Gonna Be a Pretty Stellar Get-Together!

Hall of Fame homophone homophones Image it literalism Party plan planet space - 5968048384
Via Arseniic

The Best Time to Hold 'Em

cards flush Hall of Fame Image poker shape - 6277300736
Created by xyzpdq1

That Scene With the Stairs Was Really Just a Testament to Her Amazing Flexibility!

exercise gifs Hall of Fame Image jumping literalism lolwut Movie poster similar sounding - 6018311168
Via Ninja Text

That's One Way to Do it

ass donkey double meaning Hall of Fame idiom Image literalism - 5785174784
Created by trollcave_08

The New Hit Single From Haddawave

Haddaway Hall of Fame Image literalism science similar sounding watt - 6092505344

Mana Leak

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone Image leek literalism magic magic the gathering symbol - 6287703040

That's a Pretty Fascinating Number!

german Hall of Fame Image nein nine no similar sounding - 6221613056
Created by Unknown
Hall of Fame pee puns speech Video - 24376833


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Now it's Time to Go After Solo

base bass double meaning Hall of Fame homophone Image literalism star wars - 6132912128
Via Reddit

Go Go Power Users!

catchphrase Hall of Fame Image power rangers quote similar sounding time - 5002754816
Created by xyzpdq1


Hall of Fame Image name novel shop similar sounding - 5328000000

I (Tell-Tale) Heart This Song!

bohemian rhapsody Edgar Allan Poe Hall of Fame Image literalism lyrics poe poor queen similar sounding slang - 6451220736
Via Reddit

Better Than Chuck Norris?

chuck norris Hall of Fame Image literalism muppets similar sounding - 4829198080
Via www.cracked.com

Bro-ba Fett

boba fett bro creepy Hall of Fame Image literalism prefix similar sounding star wars weird - 5806174720
Via Completely Serious Comics

Sadly, I Have Cousins That Would Do This...

children convention Hall of Fame homophone Image mother names twins - 5778675968

I Could Have Written a Concise, Punny Post Title Here, But Then That Would Contradict the Tidbit I Shared With You Two Hours Ago So That's Simply Out of the Question

double meaning good Hall of Fame homophone Image knight literalism night saying - 6489219840

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